Advantages of Boot Camps Over Personal Trainer

Most people have a very busy schedule, so much so that they can hardly wait for others to free up their time. This leads to many activities like going to the gym to be done in isolation. As we all known, activities done in isolation are usually boring and sometimes drain the person much more than what a collaborative activity can do. Going to the gym or hiring a personal trainer is preferred by some to adjust time for exercise in their busy schedule. However, the old school techniques like boot camp are still very effective and provide a collaborative, team work touch that going to the gym or working out with a physical trainer lacks.

A boot camp more or less imitates the daily morning drill done by the soldiers. It is not as calculative as a session in gym could be. The basic belief is that one should tire the body to the maximum possible and the body will learn to endure more and more as the time goes by. However, compared to a session in gym, some people find a boot camp much more satisfying because it is usually done with a lot of other people. That means some of them end up meeting each other in the morning in a park or some other common place where they can motivate each other and compete with each other to push their bodies to the utmost limit.

It has been proven time and again that when human beings put up a collective effort they end up deriving more than what their individual capacities can derive. This enables the boot camp to score over a gym. Pushing each other to do better is one of the most important and attractive features of a boot camp. One can look forward to a short session in the morning where they get a chance to meet each other, in spite of their busy schedules.

Boot camp exercises are usually not overly complicated. They are simple exercises that can be done at any time of the Kamagra jelly day, which means people can decide on a common slot when they can all meet up. Another great thing about a boot camp is the expense. Going to work out in gym or hiring a personal trainer, although possessing its own benefits, is sometimes very expensive. Boot camp on the other hand is free of cost. One doesn’t need a sophisticated gym to do simple exercises like push-ups and its variations, pull-ups, squats etc. Simple dumbbells, pull-up rods and some open space are more than sufficient for people to get done with their boot camp exercises every morning. The intensity of a boot camp helps one improve their body’s endurance level and also keep the heart healthy.

Most of these exercises are multi-purpose full body exercises. These can be done to train every part of the body such as chest, upper back, lower back, calf muscles, thighs, shoulders, biceps, triceps, abs and the stomach muscles. There is not predetermined intensity or degree of toughness. These exercises can be done in as many sets as possible and those doing boot camp exercises can increase or decrease the intensity to any level that they prefer. Sometimes when doing the exercises together, they can collectively warm up, slowly build the momentum, tire each other out and then do some simple stretching. This helps in ensuring everyone more or less does the same physical activity, which in time helps those who usually lag behind also join the party. These exercises could be lot of fun especially when done together and surely the cheapest and most effective way to keep one healthy.

Author Bio: Dan Clay is the owner of Dangerously Fit Boot Camp. If you would like to book a Sydney boot camp or a free 2 week Sydney boot camp trial, visit Sydney boot camp.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet

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