Should You Go For Vasectomy Reversal?

Almost 500,000 men choose vasectomy as a permanent and hassle free form of contraception each year. Needless to say, the desire to get such a procedure done is motivated by the fact that a person has had the desired number of children and is reasonably sure that he will not want to add to his brood in the future. However, statistics have revealed that almost 5% that is 25,000 men change their mind and consider a reversal procedure each year. If you are one of these 5o% the encouraging piece of information for you is that a reversal is possible and depending on certain factor the success rate of such a procedure is quite impressive. So you can choose a vasectomy reversal procedure to regain your fertility even after a vasectomy procedure.

However; just because you have had a vasectomy reversal done does not mean that you will be successful and be able to father a child promptly. There are several factors that come into play that may spoil your chances of becoming a father in future.

You will find that the success rate of a vasectomy reversal procedure is inversely proportional to the number of years that have lapsed since the initial vasectomy surgery. In other words, if you decide earl\y on that you would like to have the vasectomy reversed you will have brighter chances of success. Experts suggest that the most appropriate time to consider vasectomy reversal in within one to three years of the initial surgery. This way you can avoid the possibility of scar tissue formation and blockages. The longer you wait for the reversal procedure, the lesser will be your chances of success.

Depending on your specific case and the condition of the severed ends of the as deferens tube the surgeon may decide to conduct a vasovasotomy or a vasoepididymostomy with the latter being a considerably complex procedure in which the surgeon will attempt to join one end of the vas defers to the epididymis instead of the other severed end of the vas deferens tube. This procedure is performed to bypass the blockages in patients who have had the vasectomy surgery almost a decade earlier.

If you are considering a vasectomy reversal procedure, you will definitely want to know about the success rate. Patient who choose to have the procedure done within three years of the initial surgery have a 90% chance of regaining fertility and having children in future while patients who wait for longer have a lower success rate of 30%.

However, if you are mentally, physically and financially ready to go through the vasectomy reversal procedure. It is crucial that you choose a competent and experienced micro surgeon. There are several clinics all over the country that conduct vasectomy reversal procedures so finding one will not be difficult albeit finding a good doctor and skilled staff will take some effort and research. Given everything that is stake; it is certainly recommended that you choose the clinic with utmost care. Finding a good micro surgeon will improve your chances of success with a vasectomy reversal procedure significantly; a skilled surgeon may be able to reverse some of the damages caused in the initial sugary; if there were any and this in turn will improve your chances of regaining fertility.

However, Levitra Professional it is equally important to understand that there is certainly no guarantee that a vasectomy reversal will be successful in your case. So you need to be mentally prepared for an unfortunate eventuality where even after the vasectomy reversal surgery your fertility may not be restored. But there is no reason to et disheartened you can still father a child biologically through invitro fertilization. Even though the procedure is considerably more expensive than vasectomy reversal it is a recourse for couples who want to get pregnant again. The procedure is conducted in multiple stages so it is certainly not as simple as a vasectomy reversal procedure. Fortunately, a part of the cost of an IVF procedure is covered by insurance in several states. Most clinics also offer payment plans for both IVF and vasectomy reversal procedures.

Author Bio: Seomul Evans is a Internet Marketing Services consultant for Vasectomy Reversal and a contributor for a leading Vasectomy Reversal blog.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Health, Medical, Vasectomy, Vasectomy Reversal, Infertility

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