Are There Alternatives to a Vasectomy Reversal Procedure?

It is not uncommon to see couples who have had a vasectomy in the past reconsidering their decision and looking for options that will enable them to have more children in future. If you are sailing in the same boat as these other couples and are apprehensive about your chances of adding to your family through natural conception; fret not! There is hope available in the form of a vasectomy reversal surgery that can help a man regain his fertility even after a vasectomy procedure.

If you have had a vasectomy in the past, depending on the number of years that have passed since the original surgery, your age then and your current age and the condition of the vas deferens; the doctor may either opt for a vasovasotomy or a vasoepididymostomy. The former is one of the most common types of procedures used to reverser a vasectomy. The surgery is fairly simple and involves joining the two severed ends of the vas deferens with thin sutures. It rarely takes more than two hours to conduct the procedure and it is generally performed under local anesthesia or may even be conducted under the influence of the general anesthesia is the patient desires.

A vasovasotomy is also the procedure that has the highest success rate in terms of vasectomy reversal and there are 76% chances of a couple conceiving naturally after this procedure. However, given its simplicity; the surgery is only viable for people who have had the original vasectomy surgery done not more than three years ago. However, if ten or more years have passed since the vasectomy; the doctor may have to use a vasoepididymostomy which is considerably complex procedure with a lower success rate of just 30%.

However; there are no certainties as far as vasectomy reversal goes; while some couples are successful and have several tiny tots to show for it others are not. But there is an alternative for natural conception even if a vasectomy reversal has failed; it’s called IVF. Invitro Silagra fertilization is the most common and feasible option for couples who cannot have children after a vasectomy reversal surgery.

Most doctors will advise you to wait for at least a year to a year and a half before deeming the vasectomy reversal procedure as a failure and looking at alternative options such as IVF. You also need to understand that IVF is not as simple as a vasectomy reversal; the procedure is conducted in multiple stages and it can be very invasive, painful and a lengthy procedure for both partners; not to mention that it s several times more expensive than vasectomy reversal.

However, if you spouse has failed to conceive more than a year after the surgery, invitro fertilization may be the only solution to have biological children. This procedure involves taking the eggs from the female and sperms from the male. These are then fertilized outside the womb in a culture dish. Once fertilized, the eggs are then inserted into the uterus with the hopes that it may result in a pregnancy. IVF procedures also have an impressive success rate so with luck you may be able to conceive through this option. And if you choose to opt for IVF; there are several states in which the insurance companies are required by law to cover at least a part of the expense.

If you are a lucky, a simple vasectomy reversal procedure will work for you and your spouse will be able to get pregnant. However, most insurance companies do not cover vasectomy reversal because it is slotted as an elective procedure which means that even though you will be paying a significantly lower amount for vasectomy reversal as compared to IVF; you will have to incur the entire expense out of your own pockets. Given the relatively high cost of fertility procedures such as IVF and vasectomy reversal most clinics that conduct these procedures also offer payment plans that make the procedures more accessible to the general public.

Author Bio: Seomul Evans is a Website Marketing consultant for Vasectomy Reversal and a contributor for a leading blog about Reversing Vasectomy blog.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Health, Medical, Vasectomy, Vasectomy Reversal, Infertility

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