Should a Man Consider a Vasectomy Reversal to Regain Fertility?

Every facet of life has been changed by the scientific innovations that surround us. Fortunately, medical science and particularly microsurgical procedures have also progressed in leaps and bound and surgeries which were not possible earlier can today be performed with minimal risks. Every day new procedures find their way into operating theaters around the world and they help to hone procedures that were considered too risky to be possible in the past. For instance, in the past if a man had a vasectomy it would be nearly impossible to have it reversed so if he would eventually change his mind about having more children he would simply be out of luck and sperms.

But today there is hope for people who change their minds after a vasectomy and would like to have more children. A simple procedure called vasectomy reversal can successfully undo the effects of vasectomy. So if your personal or financial circumstances have changed since you got the vasectomy done and you now feel that you would like to have more children in future; you can. A man can turn back the hands of time by opting for a vasectomy reversal. This is certainly not to say that the surgery is always successful but depending on some factors; the success rate of a vasectomy reversal are nothing short of impressive.

Even though the concept of vasectomy reversal has been around for sometime; the surgery was considered too risky and the chances of success were limited since there were too many hits and misses. But with the advent of microsurgery it is now possible to join the severed ends of the vas deferens with thin sutures without the possibility of a leakage.

This has raised the success rates of vasectomy reversal significantly. If you get a vasectomy reversal done within three years of the initial vasectomy procedure the probability of getting pregnant is raised to 50% and there is a 76% chance of sperms returning to the semen. Depending on the skills of the doctor who performs the microsurgical vasectomy reversal, your chances may be raised to almost 90%. However if ten or more years have lapsed since the initial vasectomy procedure, your chances are diminished and there is just 30% chance of pregnancies in such cases. There are several issues that come into the picture as more time passes since the original procedure such as blockages, unhealthy sperms and sperm antibodies; all of which can impact the success rate of a reversal procedure.

However, you have to understand that as impressive as the success rate may be there is always a chance of failure like with all other surgical procedures. But you should be willing to wait for 12 to 18 month after the vasectomy reversal surgery before considering alternative options such as invitro fertilization.

Consult with your doctor and an experienced micro surgeon who is competent at performing vasectomy reversal procedures before making a decisions. The doctor will usually ask you to run several tests before discussing the viability of the procedure for you.

You also have to understand that your insurance policy will not cover the cost of vasectomy reversal which can go to the tune of $10,000 to $20,000 depending on your individual case and the clinic that you chose. This means that you will have to bear the complete expenditure out of your own pockets. Even though many clinics offer flexible payment plans that makes the procedure feasible for patients; you need to be absolutely sure that this is what you want.

On the other hand, IVF is a lengthier, invasive and more expensive procedure that is conducted in several stages but you may want to consider it if the vasectomy reversal fails and you cannot get pregnant naturally. While you will also find payment plans being offered for IVF by clinics, you can also consult with your insurance provider because many states requite insurance companies Tadalis SX to pay for fertility treatments.

Author Bio: Seomul Evans is a SEO Services consultant for Vasectomy Reversal and a contributor for a leading Vasectomy Reversal blog.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Health, Medical, Vasectomy, Vasectomy Reversal, Infertility

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