How to Create an Internet Marketing Strategy

Today there are many people using the internet to run a business from their home. They have an online store, great products, but not many customers and sales. If this would be you, what would you do about it? You have invested a lot time and effort into your business and want to see it be successful.

There are many things that may have caused this, but we can look at one effect that may have created this situation. The people starting this business did not know that they needed to put together an internet marketing strategy for their business. We are going to help you, so you don’t run into the same situation.

There are many ways to get started with your internet marketing strategy. You have to remember that marketing is all about exposure and getting traffic to your site. Think of it this way. If you had a physical store in the local mall, the people going by the store would be the same as the traffic on the search engines. Your store might be seen by people, but not everyone comes in. What you want to do is to create a marketing rich web page that is inviting to encourage people to enter your store. Think of it like the signs and billboards that physical stores have.

Another way to look at this is Marketing = Business = Sales.

Before you can start a marketing strategy, you need to have some goals. Goals help you determine what you want your marketing plan to accomplish. Imagine where you want to be as a success and then work back to develop your marketing plan. You don’t need fancy written goals or a marketing plan, but it does help if you write them down. Your marketing plan gives something to go back to on a regular basis to see how well you are doing.

Goals are the guidelines that lead you to marketing success. Break it all into steps. Make them easy and then work your way up. Start with a list and build for the year, the month and the day. Start small and easy…. But make your marketing plan something that you can use and follow.

Here’s a sample method to follow for creating your own internet marketing strategy and plan.

> Determine your financial goal for the next year.

> How much money do you want to make?

> Market research-what is your product and service?

> Define who your customer is.

> How do you want your customer to see your business (brand, reputation, years in business, product Levitra Professional quality, customer support, etc.)

> How are you going to reach your customer?

Social Marketing – Are you a member of Facebook, MySpace, or Twitter? Are you using them just for fun or are you using them for promoting your business. There are proper techniques to doing this so that you don’t come across as a spammer. When used properly, it’s a great way to share with others about what you do with your business and how it can help them. Are you connecting with your community about your business and finding ways to help solve problems?

Email/Newsletter Marketing – Do you have an email list? Are you sending regular emails or newsletters to your list to share information or to give them updates on new products that you have available? Think of this as an opportunity to communicate with your customers. It’s about sharing. Share information that they want to read and then share information about what you can offer them. If it’s not already, this needs to be part of your marketing strategy.

Pay Per Click Marketing – This is a method of search marketing that allow customer to use keywords to find sites that match what they are looking for. If done correctly, search marketing can drive targeted traffic to your website.

Pay Per Click Marketing can have amazing results when done correctly. A lot of people assume that this method of search marketing is very costly. It should be an integral part of your marketing plan. When testing out new marketing campaigns, you only have to spend $1 a day to get started. This is a very conservative approach that really lowers the risk of losing money with your Pay Per Click Marketing campaigns. Once your campaign begins to convert, then you can raise your budget as you feel comfortable.

If you are planning on using Pay Per Click Marketing, make sure you find a good resource to help you learn the strategy of only spending a $ 1 a day to get started. Your investment is money well spent.

Author Bio: Mastermind Pros has introduced a revolutionary book that shows you how to use a $1 A Day Strategy in Pay Per Click Marketing. Here is everything you need to master advertising on Google Adwords, Yahoo Sponsored Search Marketing & Microsoft Ad Center Bing… Check it out here at Go to for further training or information. Mastermind Pros has spent the last 5 years building a reputation on the internet as the best coaching and training program.

Category: Marketing
Keywords: marketing, search marketing, marketing plan, internet marketing strategy

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