Education For Federal Agents

Of the few organizations that are still hiring, among them are federal agencies. The fight against terrorism is still going strong and, because of this, government agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigations, Central Intelligence Agency, Department of Homeland Security, the Defense Intelligence Agency and others are all looking for good people to fill their ranks.

It is true – simple searches of the terms terrorism and intelligence on the federal government’s job board result in more than 1500 jobs. This may sound like a large number (and it is), but the competition is still fierce, which is why hiring managers prefer candidates with at least a bachelor’s degree for most intelligence and counterterrorism jobs.

People who are interested in becoming federal agents in these fields, might be at a loss as to what college degree to earn for this end goal. The truth is that many different degrees are accepted as valid education background. However, two degrees that prepare you to succeed are a Bachelors in Counterterrorism and a Bachelors in Intelligence. Choosing which to get just depends on what career path you would like to pursue …

Bachelors in Counterterrorism

If you are looking to be on the frontlines protecting your country from the threat of terrorist attacks, then a bachelors in counterterrorism will prepare you for a successful career.

This degree path is perfect for individuals who want to work in the counterterrorism intelligence field, or conduct counterterrorism operations. In a bachelors in counterterrorism program, you will learn valuable skills necessary to develop contingency plans for terrorist attacks, as well as identify terrorist threats.

Topics that are covered are terrorist groups and their motivations, in addition to in depth analysis of terrorist techniques such as cyberterrorism, weapons of mass destruction and biological and chemical warfare. As you learn about these subjects you will also gather an understanding of how to protect against them.

Some courses that might be included in a bachelors in counterterrorism program are Psychology of Violence, Religious Extremism, Underground Economies, and Clandestine Communications.

Bachelors in Intelligence

Although intelligence is a huge part or counterterrorism, counterterrorism is not the only focus of intelligence work. Intelligence is really the gathering of information to be used for a certain purpose, such as cracking a criminal case or protecting our national security. It is used on the local law enforcement level, state level, and federal level. Intelligence and counterintelligence affects policy decisions, economic decisions, and military strategies.

The gathering, analysis, organization and dissemination of intelligence is truly a science. The federal government is constantly trying to perfect this trade, as was mentioned by the Director of Intelligence in a congressional testimony on the Christmas Day bombing.

Because of this, the intelligence community is perpetually on the look-out for qualified Kamagra individuals who have the proper education, such as that gathered through a bachelors in intelligence degree program. Training in topics such as the intelligence cycle, counterintelligence, intelligence collection and intelligence management is highly valued.

A bachelors in intelligence degree will also give you the type of industry knowledge that you will not find in any other degree that might be accepted as the necessary education to apply for a job. This includes current best practices and methods of collecting intelligence, being able to distinguish between real information and propaganda that was planted through adversarial groups or governments, and being able to analyze intelligence for the purpose of assessing threats to our country.

You will encounter fascinating courses in a bachelors in intelligence degree program that will not only prepare you for a job in intelligence but also make the process of learning exciting. Examples of these are Covert Action, Propaganda and Disinformation, World Intelligence Agencies, and Infiltration Techniques.

This country’s federal agents keep us safe. Many times they work in the shadows and we never realize the importance of intelligence and counterterrorism work. A bachelors in intelligence or a bachelors in counterterrorism will open doors to careers that you never even know existed. The U.S. government is always recruiting for people with this type of training and knowledge.

Author Bio: Dan Sommer works for Henley-Putnam University, a leading educational institution in the field of Strategic Security. For more info on Henley-Putnam University, Bachelors in Intelligence, Bachelors in Counterterrorism, call 888-852-8746 or visit us online at

Category: Education
Keywords: Bachelors in Intelligence, Bachelors in Counterterrorism

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