Read This Before Choosing Hotel Reservation Software Part 2

In this installment of our newsletter, I want to talk a little bit about installation of the software itself.

Most software is very easy to install. Of course a lot of that depends on how many users you’re going to have and how many locations.

That’s when things get a little tricky. So here are some simple tips.

1. If you’re going to be using your software from a single location and no network support, meaning that there is only going to be one PC in use, then you’re probably safe to install the software yourself. Most single use software installs easily with just a few clicks.

I recommend keeping the default installation destination unless you are a trained expert at software installation. Choosing a non existent location can totally mess up your install. The software usually does a good job of detecting a suitable place for installation. When it finds it…use the default. It’s safe Brand Levitra and secure.

2. If you’re going to be using the software with network support (multiple locations) then it is best to hire a professional to install it for you. If the software is Windows compatible, a certified Microsoft technician should be able to do the job with no problem.

However, what you want to do is ask the person if they’d ever done an install like this before.

A safe way around this is to contact the software maker and ask who they recommend. Nobody knows the software better than they do. Some makers will actually provide support for the install, but don’t count on this. It is usually beyond the scope of the product unless it is really high end. And then we’re talking software that’s thousands of dollars…usually an overkill.

Here are some other advantages…
I’m going to go over 6 key benefits to YOU. I think you will appreciate these.

1. Expanded Target Market

With reservation software, you are not limited to the person in the local area. With Internet access, you can instantly book people from all over the world. That means more customers in your hotel and more money in your pocket.

2. Direct Real Time Bookings

With reservation software, everything is REAL time. As soon as a room is reserved, it goes into the system. So the next person who tries to get a room won’t end up accidentally getting one that has already been booked. This is actually a benefit to both of you as it gives your customer piece of mind.

3. Improved Customer Retention

When the booking process goes smoothly, it makes for a happy customer. A happy customer is one that will come back again and again. This translates into an increase in customer retention which, in the long run, also means more money in YOUR pocket.

4. Improved Security

Let’s face it, with a manual system there is always the chance of overbooking. With software, this chance is almost nil.

5. Minimization Of Monetary Loss

With an automated tracking system, your chance of monetary loss due to errors is also close to zero. The only way things can get fouled up is if the person entering in the info does so incorrectly. With a trained staff, this shouldn’t happen.

6. Free Up Staff To Attend To Guests

This may be one of the most important aspects. With software, because things don’t take as long to do, this frees up more time for your staff to take care of your guests. Again, a benefit to you both.

So as you can see, there is a benefit to both your guests and yourself in using reservation software.

For a great piece of software that doesn’t cost a fortune, and one you can try FREE for 30 days, check the link below.

Author Bio: For a great piece of software that doesn’t cost a fortune, and one you can try FREE for 30 days, check the link below. or

Category: Travel
Keywords: travel reservation software, reservations software, reservation software, hotel reservation software

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