Need Customers – Build a List!

If you’re new to the internet marketing scene and don’t know where to start, you’re not alone. We’ve all been at that same point at one time or another. Putting the emphasis on the right area of marketing is sometimes difficult, simply because we don’t have a plan, we don’t know what kind of plan to consider, no one has offered any advice on where to start. All we’ve heard is how much money you can make with your own online business.

You can make money online, if you know what to do. We’re going to discuss today some rather basic issues that hopefully will help you get started off on the right foot to a success online marketing venture.

One priority you should consider now, and should remain a top priority through your marketing career is lead generation. Without people to contact, your marketing venture will go nowhere. How do you go about generating contacts? There are many proven methods of generating traffic to your web site. Keeping the potential client on your site long enough to review your business opportunity is a whole different story.

One suggestion would be to create a mailing list. This process of name accumulation should be from day one of your new online venture. You may feel you don’t know enough people to make an effective contact list. Each person that you know will have other contacts outside of your social circles. As time goes by and you keep adding to your list, you will find that your list is growing faster than you had anticipated. That’s a good problem. The more contacts you can add to your list the more effective your future marketing campaigns will become.

After you have established your own method of gathering contacts, then we start with the fun part. Make a separate page from your website with a brief yet informative overall view of what your business opportunity is all about. This is often referred to as a splash page, landing page as well as other cute names people have put on this information page. On this page you will want to put some form of an opt-in format for the potential client to share their personal information such Kamagra Soft as their e-mail address, name, phone number etc., or whatever other information you may be trying to capture.

Many experts feel that giving something away is an enticement for the user to give you their personal information. Sometimes it will work, however, don’t overdo your giveaways. If you have a twenty dollar deal on some kind of a widget and you’re giving away a couple hundred dollars of free programs trying to allure the potential client, you’ll dilute the value of what you’re trying to market. Experiment here a little bit and see what works for you.

It’s advised that you put a link on your splash page pointing to your web site so the user can look at all the benefits of your offering. Make sure you put a link on your website back to your landing page. Always offer relevant keyword rich content on your landing page as well as on your web site. People search for information on the internet and whoever gives the potential client the best information that fills the user’s personal needs, is who will get the sale.

When explaining the privacy issues in your web site, make sure you adhere to what you say you will do. If you state you will not share their information with anyone else, then do exactly that. Once you’ve violated a user’s trust, you will never have another chance to regain that trust again. Word travels on the internet at the speed of light so be careful here.

Customer service is an excellent way to gain loyal followers. If your customers are happy because you handle a question or problem with them in a timely fashion, your loyalty and trust will evolve rather quickly. This is the time in your marketing career where you will start getting referrals from your satisfied customers and these referrals can develop into some of your best clients. Make sure you inform the user who gave you the referral, that you appreciate their business and thank them for the good contact. By following this simple policy, you have just experienced the power of an effective working list and seen firsthand, how quickly your list can grow in a rather short time.

The information we’ve share with you today is merely a starting point in building a profitable online marketing future. Do some additional research on any area of interest here and incorporate your new thoughts into a powerful online marketing opportunity.

“Let’s Build Your Business Together”

Larry L Miller SEM/SEO Consulting

Author Bio: Larry L Miller – SEM/SEO Consultant who specializes in promoting clients to “Top Positions on Google” and other leading search engines. Mr. Miller is the promotions director for BLM Traders the leader in Automated Marketing Systems. Private Line: 321-594-4405, Skype: larrylmiller121

Category: Marketing
Keywords: BLM Traders, Larry L Miller, SEM/SEO Consulting,Top Positions with Google

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