Learn More About Autism in Babies – Signs and Symptoms

Autism is only one of the five Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). It is a neurological disorder that impairs the development of a child. It affects the social and communication skills of the child as well as his or her activities and interests. Parents must be able to recognize as early as possible the early signs of autism in babies. Signs may vary in severity and symptom in every child and in every type of ASD.

Here are the five different Autism Spectrum Disorders:

Classic Autism
Asperger Syndrome
Rett Syndrome
Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
Pervasive Developmental Disorder

Recognizing which spectrum your child belongs is very important in your endeavor in helping your child and treating him or her. You do not have to be an expert about autism in babies. Signs must be recognized and you must understand the effects, and know what to do about it.

Children with ASD are affected differently, with unique challenges, symptoms, and abilities. The level of disability and the combination of symptoms vary from one child to another. This is what makes ASD difficult to deal with – its diversity.

Here are the red flags of autism in babies – Signs and Symptoms:

Social interaction – Do not make eye contact. They prefer to be alone. Do not want to be touched, hugged, or cuddled and they line up toys or other objects such as cans or water bottles. Do not smile or respond when played.

Communication skills – In most cases, the loss of speech or the delay in its development is the biggest red flag for autism in babies. Signs such as not using single words upon reaching 16 months and two word phrases upon reaching 24 months are the most common in autism cases. Not babbling, pointing on things of interest, or similar gestures may also be apparent.

Repetitive movements – Unusual sensory interest or unusual body movement such as repetitive tapping and flapping can be observed. Stereotype interest is also common like eating the same food and adherence to specific routines or rituals.

It is important to remember that no one sign automatically means autism in babies. Signs must be convincing or evident and it must be the combination of several signs or all of it that must make you concern. If you suspect your child to be autistic or if he exhibits the signs and symptoms, he must be brought to his pediatrician immediately for evaluation.

Also, a child with ASD will develop differently from others. Children may be able to walk early and talk later or vice versa. Or talk early but have trouble with basic motor skills such as walking and running.

There are still a lot of things that we have to work on about autism in babies. Signs of autism become apparent usually before the child is 3 years old. But the thing is that the child is usually diagnosed only upon reaching 4 years.

In most cases, parents report not noticing the early warning signs of autism until years later when they watched early home videos of their children. This is why it is very important for parents to observe carefully their babies in their development.

Author Bio: Anthony Ezail Travis is a professional writer and researcher about parenting. Autism now affects 1 in every 100 child and is now the fastest growing developmental disability in children. Visit AUTISM IN BABIES SIGNS and give your autistic child a brighter future.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Autism in babies,autism in babies signs,signs autism babies,early autism signs in babies,autism

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