How to Start Using Green Janitorial Supplies

Given a choice, we will all certainly choose to live in a world where everything is clean and healthy. It would be a perfect world where we would be surrounded with the cleanest and freshest air, we would drink the healthiest water, and we would sleep in a house where all items are recycled and doesn’t harm the environment. For the longest time up to recently however, we have been relying on different chemicals to clean our households, our offices, our schools, hospitals and every place where people congregate. We have been using janitorial supplies that are made of chemicals that can cause long term damage to the environment if not kept unchecked. Most janitorial services have not opted to use environment friendly janitorial supplies that don’t produce toxic substances that add to our rising pollution problems.

Janitorial supplies such as cleaning products are essential to efficiently and quickly make our homes and workplaces attractive and free from harmful bacteria, germs, and viruses. Needless to say, they make our homes beautiful and healthy. However, the cleaning products most of us still use these days are themselves sources of serious health and environmental problems. Some chemicals used to clean windows and floors may contain substances that can cause eye, respiratory or skin irritation. They pose health hazards to the people who use them and those who enter the room or use the facilities where such cleaning products have been used. These unsafe cleaning products release volatile organic compounds to the environment and not only affect the quality of the air we breathe indoors but can also cause cancers and other serious health issues.

You want to get the best value for your money when you purchase janitorial supplies for use in your cleaning service business or for your own use at home. However, what you consider as best value should include the products’ performance, availability, price and their impact on the environment. You must take into account the various attributes of a product and select those that have desirable properties with respect to the environment such as products made from renewable resources like vegetable and pine oils, or those with lower volatile organic compound contents. Other desirable characteristics of environment friendly products include low toxicity, low flammability and being designed for cold water use instead of hot or warm water which spends more energy.

It’s not only the contents of the janitorial supplies themselves that need to comply with environmental laws but the packaging and shipping as well. Manufacturers should use lightweight and recyclable packaging, such as refillable bottles and pump sprays instead of aerosols. Products can be shipped in bulk to reduce shipping costs. They should be labeled clearly with information on how to properly use and dispose the products.

Manufacturers of janitorial supplies should have and should implement their own company-wide environmental management system. This means incorporating into their manufacturing process a system to reduce wastes and emissions, use of renewable energy or safe alternative fuels, and efficient utilization of materials and energy.

Author Bio: Loren Yadeski, author of this article is also interested in janitorial supplies and recommends you to please check out janitorial services if you liked reading this information.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: janitorial supply, janitorial supplies, janitorial services, janitorial

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