Space Fantasies and Futuristic Love

The whole idea of a fantastic futuristic love scene from a clip from a movie or a picture of paradise in your mind can really have the juices flowing. These things are wonderful thoughts for the setting of a love making session that would last in the memory banks for a life time; surely lasting much longer than the act itself in most cases. However the feelings may never be lost or have a person wishing to relive them at every opportunity. These wondrous visions for the almost surreal futuristic love making adventures are just about limitless these days and are becoming a reality for more and more adventurous types to experience.

Many of the dreams have the feeling of purity and the clean empty openness of space. The almost “bond” type of futuristic love with the white sheet just barley covering a couple of beautiful bodies floating weightless in a room of pure white background with little to taint the purity of this passionate vision than a dozen red roses and maybe a couple of champagne glasses half full sitting near the empty bottle perfectly placed just right in an ice bucket. The beauty perceived in this type of futuristic love setting can be unsurpassed and have the dreams flowing as the sheet would be, shown draped across the bodies in the scene gently moving as the motions of the couple do. This entire vision of futuristic love and the feelings could mainly be based on just the adventure of something so new and very different or might likely be the thoughts of the only pressure felt between two people would be created from within and in all of the right ways and places. Then having none of the restrictions of gravity down here on earth may play a major role in these also.

While other aspirations may be of just faraway places or new unexplored lands and planets, some may be for the futuristic love from another life form in another place with no inhibitions or restrictions of those placed on the typical relationship here. Even a new way that may not even be in the hearts or minds or even the capabilities of another human. The thoughts and theories run limitless with open possibilities and the unknown becoming the known or even common place. These get the juices really flowing as the unknown futuristic love is the grandest fear built into most all human beings and this fear creates anxiety, and then adrenalin, increasing self awareness and heart rate with the thoughts of a never before felt passion. Intimacy varies greatly from person to person however most all have a dream of it being the best or having that one best to always hold dear.

The role technology and exploration are now playing in these futuristic love fantasies is that they are becoming possible. There is a lot of planning and preparation for such a grand adventure and the costs could be that of only the wealthiest of individuals. However it is thought that private persons will very soon blast into the heavens and at least take one ride around the outer atmosphere of this wonderful planet. There are also weightless adventures that can be created only a few thousand feet of the ground however these too are very expensive and only last for a few dozen seconds. Futuristic love may mainly exist in the mind and movies and may not be a reality for most here in this lifetime but it is going to happen very soon for generations yet to be born.

Author Bio: Christine Crotts loves to just browse around in the stores, looking for the perfect gift for her daughter. Christine has written a site containing reviews on gliders for nursery, as well as nursery furniture sets.

Category: Relationships
Keywords: futuristic love,love making,surreal futuristic love,futuristic love scene,fantastic futuristic love

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