Lenzkirch Germany

You will find the municipality of Lenzkirch in the Black Forest. This town lies in the Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald district in Baden-WÜttemberg in Germany. To find this town without much difficulty you should have some idea of where it is located. Since the Black Forest where this town lies is vast you will need to look to the River Haslach Valley to find the town. Close to the south east border of the municipality you will discover that Lenzkirch merges with the Gutach and becomes the Wutach.

The glacial valley known as Urseetal falls in the southwestern corner of Lenzkirch. Geographically you will find the 1192 meter Hochfirst peak which is marked by the Hochfirst Tower to be the highest point on the municipality. The tower also marks the boundary of the municipality of Titisee-Neustadt which is a neighboring municipality. In addition to this municipality border you will find there are other towns which lies along Lenzkirch’s borders.

These towns are Boodorf, Friedenweiler, Schluchsee, Feldberg, and LÖffingen. Of these towns you will find that besides Bonndorf the rest are located in the Hochschwarzwald district. Bonndorf on the other hand can be found in the Waldshut district. Once you arrive in this town you will find that you have plenty of places to visit and one such place that you will find is that of Kappel.

This health resort village is located at around 900 meters. Here you will find there are 600 beds which serve this health resort. Above the village you will see there is a path. Follow this path to the north and you should see a monument known as Franzoezische Kreuz. This monument commemorates the turning back of French troops by the Austrians during the Napoleonic Wars.

Besides seeing this monument you will find there are numerous footpaths that you can follow to explore the countryside. One of these paths is the Schwarzwald-Querweg Freiburg-Bodensee long distance footpath. This footpath runs through the village of Kappel. To get a stunning view of Lenzkirch you may want to visit the lookout tower on the Hochfirst Mountain. You can reach this lookout tower from Saig by traveling on foot or you can go to Neustadt by car. This tower will provide you with a stunning view of not only Lenzkirch but also of the surrounding areas as well.

For recreation purposes you will find that Lenzkirch is ideally placed. The town provides you with many opportunities to go on cycle tours, mountain bike tours, and walking tours. These tours will provide you with a great opportunity of seeing the countryside and various places which can remain unseen when you are traveling by car. You can also enjoy great winter sports like toboggan runs, cross-country skiing and snowboarding during the winter months.

These activities and many others await you at Lenzkirch. The various places that you can see and visit will help to create fantastic memories which will last a lifetime. Come to this town and explore the surrounding areas including that of the Black Forest. You will be amazed and thrilled at what you can find in Lenzkirch, Germany.

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Category: Travel
Keywords: germany,visit germany,stay in germany,germany hotels

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