Tips on How to Safely Buy Herbal Supplements

Most herbs act gently and subtly. They do not produce the kind of dramatic, immediate results we expect from prescription drugs. Basically, herbs are balancers that work with the body to help it heal and regulate itself. They work better together than they do singly because the effect of one herb is usually supported and reinforced when combined with others.

While most herbs aren’t likely to be harmful, keep in mind that “natural” isn’t a synonym for “safe.” Like synthetic drugs, herbal preparations may be toxic, cause allergic reactions, or affect your response to other medications.

Common sense, care, and forethought are needed when using herbs for either food or medicine. Here are some essential guidelines for herbal self-care:

Use herbal self care for minor ailments only, not for serious or life-threatening conditions.

Use only recommended amounts for recommended periods of time.

Use the correct herb.

Buy your herbal remedies from a reputable company.

If you collect or grow herbs on your own, be absolutely positive in your identification.

Use the correct part of the plant.For instance, don’t substitute roots for leaves. When buying fresh herbs, check to be sure which part of the herb is required for a remedy the whole herb, flowers, fruit, leaves, stems, or roots.

When using an herbal remedy for the first time, start with a small amount to test for possible allergic reactions.

Don’t take certain herbs if you are pregnant or planning to become pregnant.

Don’t take herbal remedies if you are nursing a baby.

Don’t give medicinal amounts of herbs to children without first consulting with your health care practitioner.

Buying Herbal Remedies

When choosing herbal remedies, it is important to select quality products from a reliable source. How do you know whether a manufacturer or supplier is reliable? Start by making a phone call to the manufacturer. Ask how long the company has been in business, what their quality control practices are, and how they determine the identity and potency of the herbs they sell. Membership in trade groups such as the American Herbal Products Association (, while not a stamp of approval, does indicate the company’s recognition of industry standards. We recommend purchasing herbs sold by reputable companies that have been in the herb business for at least ten years. A number of manufacturers and distributors specializing in herbal products, including herbal combination for prevention or treatment of certain disorders, are listed under Manufacturer and Distributor Information in the Appendix.

If you wish to buy organically grown herbs, look for the “certified organic” label on the product. More than half of U.S. states have certification programs for organic farms and products. Federal standards are now implemented through a nationwide certification system under the USDA National Organic Program. More information on the regulations governing these producers can be obtained by calling 202-720-3252 or can be found on the website

Finally, look for herbal products that are standardized to contain a specific percentage of active ingredients ex-tracted from the specific herb part known to be effective.

Author Bio: Georgiy Kharchenko with American Weight Loss Group LLC selling: Female and Male Personal Trainer locally, ECA STACK, Phentramin D, lipodrene with ephedra

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: supplements, weight loss, eca stack, personal fitness trainer, ephedra, lipodrene, stimerex

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