Monitoring Teen Friendships: Keeping Your Teen Out of Trouble

Teenage is the time when every youngster starts thinking that he is the king and the can handle everything well. During this age, there are many changes in a person’s attitude and the way he thinks. It is a phase where a person is standing at the gate of maturity; he has not yet entered but knows what it is like. Most of the teens during this age love to be independent and involve in activities they have always been inspiring and aspiring. Teen friendship plays a crucial role here.

It is mostly observed that parents of teenagers usually find these changes to be offending as the set of rules they had designed for their child are now being changed. As the support from parents decreases, teenagers usually look forward to support from their friends. This is where teen friendship becomes a major part of a teenager’s life. This is a critical situation as the teenager would not be aware as to what is wrong and what is right but he would follow his friends everywhere and anywhere blindly.

Ofcourse every parent is of the view that teen friendships should be monitored well to save the teen from getting into improper activities but most of them find themselves losing control over their teens. Here are some tips on how you can monitor a teen friendship without making your child feel awkward:

1.Be their friends:

The best way to monitor teen friendship is to be your teenager’s friends. This is a phase of life where your child would be experiencing various changes not only physically but also mentally. It is best to share your experiences with them in a bright way. Tell them about the mistakes you made and do not pose as a righteous fellow. Trying overpower your teen would result in him being offended and embarrassed.

2.Keep an eye on their friends:

As a parent, everyone wishes to know what kind of company their teen is keeping. To monitor teen friendship better, it is best to be good mom and dad. Invite your child’s friends over to your house often and be polite and friendly to them so that they share their views with you. In this way you will come to know how they are and also you can keep an eye on their activities.

3.Show them better gateways:

Teenage is the phase where teens love to do stuff that is out of the way. In such situations, avoid being over strict as this can result in your teen getting more aggressive. Give them opportunities of hanging around, watching movies, playing games, going on vacations, etc. If you think your teen is going the wrong way so show them better prospects and they will for sure come to the right track. This is one of the best ways of monitoring teen friendship.

In a nutshell, the best way of monitoring teen friendship is to leave your kid to what he wants to do and observe. You can never stop him from indulging into anything that is wrong for you but you can always show him better ways to do it.

Author Bio: Christine Crotts loves to cook in her kitchen with a crowd seated around the kitchen island. Christine has written a site with reviews of counter height chairs, as well as a review of red bar stools.

Category: Parenting
Keywords: teen friendship,teen friendships,monitor teen friendship,monitoring teen friendships

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