How to Get a Girl’s Phone Number

There have been books written about all the different techniques you can use to get a girl’s phone number. There are probably hundreds of methods you can use to get a girl’s number. Some work and some don’t. Here’s what doesn’t work.

What doesn’t work. Any attempt to trick a woman into gaining her phone number will fail immediately, will completely turn the woman off and will probably mark you in her circle of friends (which might be wider than you realize) and ruin your chances for ever.

Don’t play games. Playing coy or cool or making up some lame reason why you want her phone number rarely ever works. Believe me, women have heard it all. Even if you think you have some super original way to ask or get her phone number, I can guarantee you she’s either heard it before or can see right through it.

Honesty works best. Have respect for the woman you are attempting to get to know better. Why would you underestimate her intelligence or insult her by saying anything other than the real reason you want her number. I can’t tell you how many women are relieved to hear someone say that they want her number because they like her and want to get to know her better. Honesty really works in this case. And if a woman doesn’t like that response, she’s not going to go out on a date with you later, even if you get her number.

Hand her your phone. Believe it or not, the simplest method is nearly always the most effective. I recommend making sure you have a good rapport and good conversation going before you attempt this. Once you have engaged the woman, it is no longer necessary (not that it ever was) to play any games. It helps to have an exit strategy in place. What I mean by that I always like to have somewhere else to go and something else to do. You can always count on spending more quality time with this woman later. Have the attitude that this moment with her is not life or death. Don’t act desperate. Act pleased with her company and her person and express a desire to talk to her more.

Tell her that you need to go but that you would like to continue your conversation with her later. Hand her your phone and tell her to put her number in it, saying you would like to talk to her more again at a later date.

This method is so, so simple and surprisingly effective. It is honest. It shows you are interested without expressing any desperation on your part. It is very genuine and women appreciate that.

So remember, don’t insult a woman’s intelligence by trying to trick her into giving you her number. Have respect for the woman. Don’t try to get just any woman’s phone number. It’s not a game to see how many numbers you can collect. Once you have established a good rapport, hand her your phone and say you’d like to talk to her more later. Simple.

Author Bio: Bill has been studying how to pick up women and How to Flirt for the last 5 years as a guest instructor at the top Pick Up Artist boot camp in NYC. The original article can be found here: How to Get a Girl’s Phone Number.

Category: Advice
Keywords: dating, advice, relationships, texting, calling

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