Think Twice Before You Buy a Car

Why do you need an automobile? This is an easy question to answer, right? You need to be able to get from place to place.

Now think again. Do you need this vehicle to get to work? Do you need it for cruising on Saturday night? Automobiles are extremely expensive to own and operate. Do you need a car or do you want one? Either way. you will probably own one someday. If you do decide to be in the minority and use mass transit (eg, bus or train) you will be saving money and natural resources (using mass transit is much more environmentally friendly)

However, the reality is that most families in the United States travel by саг. Maybe once gasoline becomes extremely expensive more people will start lo use mass transit. Until then, most people will probably own an automobile in the United States.

Several steps are involved in buying a car: determining your budget; identifying your wants ; and needs; financing the purchase; identifying places to purchase a car; understanding car dealerships; completing compatibles.

The first thing you should do before buying a car is determine your budget. Can you really afford to buy a car? Your budget will ultimately determine the type of car that you can afford. Your choices may be limited if you just turned sweet-16, have $500 in the bank, and work earning minimum wage. For example, working 20 hours a week making $6.00 an hour will yield you a gross income (before taxes and social security withholdings) of $I20 a week/$480 a month’s 5,760 a year.

Do you want to work one year of your life just to own a car? Many people do. If you had the previous scenario and bought a $6,000 car and spread the cost out over 3 years (36 months) at an interest rate of 9.9%, your monthly payment would be $194. This means you would actually end up paying $6.984 for that car after interest charges (and that doesn’t include taxes, licenses, insurance, maintenance, or fuel) The first thing you should do is determine your budget. This is restated because it is extremely important to know what you can afford.

Getting wants and needs confused is easy. Why else would people be driving around Chevrolet Corvettes, Dodge Vipers and Hummers? Sure, they provide reliable transportation, but at what cost? No offense to anyone… most of us would have a difficult time turning down riding in a nice sports car or the ultimate SUV. Different types of cars provide for different needs and wants. When deciding on an automobile you have many choices that can fulfill your wants and needs: pickups, sport-utility vehicles, compact cars, mid-size cars, full-size cars, minivans, full-size vans, or sports cars.

If you cannot afford a vehicle outright, you may have to make monthly payments. If this is the case, you should go to several financial institutions to get quotes about financing information and loan qualification. If you do not have any credit or are under 18, you will probably need to have someone cosign the loan with you (that means they are responsible for the loan if you default). If you have had a loan, you should request a personal credit report. A credit report will show your credit history. A bank will check your credit report to quote you an interest rate.

Check current interest rates at several banks on automobile loans. Depending on the economy, financial institution, and your credit history interest rates commonly range from 3.9 to 15.9%. However, in response to recessions, automotive manufacturers may offer interest free (0.0%) or low (0.9% to 2.9%) interest loans. The interest rate that you ultimately pay makes a big difference on the overall price you pay for your vehicle. For example, on a 36-monih $6,000 loan at 3.9% you will pay $6,372 for your vehicle with a monthly payment of $I77 However, changing to a 36-month S6.000 loan at 15.9% you will end up paying S7.596 for the same purchase with a monthly payment of $211.

Understanding interest rates is a necessity lo financial success Once you have researched and mastered this, you will better understand what you will really be able to afford.

Author Bio: Alex Borrowss. Buy Sell Cars online without any paid membership. Join an Auto Forum and ask your questions concerning cars. Take a look at a special VW Forum for vw car lovers.

Category: Automotive
Keywords: car

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