Tips on How to Drive Your Car Or Truck in the Rain

Ok so in Texas people drive crazy in the snow and ice but they also drive crazy in the rain. I can understand slowing down and taking your time but do we really need to go 20 mph on the freeway? I was thinking about this the other day as I was driving home so I decided to do some research on tips for driving in the rain. I came across this website called Cars for Keeps with some pretty good information. It gave me a little bit more insight on the safety hazards of driving in the rain. Not only from a crazy driver’s point but now I can understand the need to be a little more cautious when driving in the rain. Maybe next time I won’t get so irritated. Here are some of the tips from Cars for Keeps. If you want to keep your new or used car or truck out of your local Arlington Chevy Dealers service department maybe you should read up and let me know what you think.

Here are a few things to be aware of when you’re out there in a Texas rain storm:

1. We all know the dry spells we go through here in Texas. 100 + degree summers can get to us. So it’s imperative that after a dry spell when some big rains come in you be extra careful out there. Oil and fumes can and will build up on pavement. So when it starts raining all that crud will rise to the surface of the pavement increasing your chances of sliding around cause it will be very slick out there.

2. Have you ever hydroplaned before? One time in my younger years there was a big rain storm in DFW and I was coming across the bridge from 121 to William D. Tate and my car hydroplaned causing me to do a few 360’s on the bridge when my car came to a stop I was facing on coming traffic. Whoa!! You see when the rain is coming down so hard like it tends to do here it gets so thick that it will literally cause your car to float a little. One good way to avoid hydroplaning is to slow down so that your car or truck can be stable on the pavement. Be aware of braking when this happens cause you could lose control of your car and start spinning the best thing to do should this happen to you is just take your foot off the brake and try to steer your vehicle straight.

3. You cars brakes can not be trusted. Remember the blog I wrote on driving on black ice? This is very similar. A good rule of thumb no matter how annoying it may be to the drivers behind you is to slow down, light braking, slow acceleration. If you’re in a hurry and having to brake fast and you’re hitting the gas quickly you could cause yourself to hydroplane or worse.

4. Turn your lights on. When I was in high school I wanted a silver car. My mom wouldn’t let me have one cause she always said in a really bad thunderstorm people wouldn’t see me cause I would blend into the traffic. I learned later in life how important it is to turn your lights on when you are in a rain storm because there have been several times when I’ve been driving behind someone and I didn’t see them until they hit their brakes. The same could go for you. You could be driving along and someone could come flying up behind you and hit you cause they can’t see you. So always always turn your lights on when it starts to rain.

5. Those tires and windshield wipers are important. Make sure you get new windshield wipers yearly and it’s always a good rule of thumb to once a week check your tires for proper inflation and tread. If you have little to no tread on your tires you run the risk of sliding around and hydroplaning easier. New windshield wipers will give you better visibility so you can travel as safely as possible and be aware of what’s ahead.

Can you think of any other tips for driving in the rain?

Author Bio: Dan Mercurio is President of DealerLinkUSA and administers quality Search Engine Marketing campaigns for Arlington Chevy Dealers . DealerLinkUSA has strategically aligned itself with a high end automotive ad agency.

Category: Automotive
Keywords: Arlington Chevy Dealers

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