Various Types of Coffee Percolators For Excellent Taste & Aroma

Coffee Percolator is one of the most efficient and must have equipments of your kitchen as it is used for brewing the coffee. The coffee pot is named as percolator which means to pass through an allowable substance to get a well dissolved and mixed substance. The coffee percolator is divided into two parts in which the boiling water flows down the central tube and then it is back down through the ground coffee beans. These are generally made up of two types of metals such as aluminum or stainless steel.

The very first percolator was invented by an American scientist and soldier named Count Rumford in 1814. Later on in the year 1840, James Napier improved the percolator which was discovered by Laurens and he introduced two detachable glass globes. The lower part of the percolator boils the water and force vapor to move upper area of the globe. The first patent for coffee percolator was awarded to James Mason in the year 1865.

Coffee Percolators are available in three types such as electric, stovetop and microwave. Electric Coffee Percolators are the one of the most consistent coffee brewing type percolators. It has the advantage of stopping the percolation when the coffee is ready for consumption. As soon as the coffee is ready for consumption most of the percolators enters into the warming mode which keeps the coffee warm and consumable for long time. It is made up of heavy duty and best quality stainless steel with an indicator to indicate that the coffee is ready. It is available in the range of 120 volts to 1350 watts power.

Stovetop percolator is another type of coffee brewing device which requires continuous watch and monitor. They are needed to be displaced from heat source when the brewing of the coffee is completed else there is a chance of overheating. If overheating of the coffee takes place then the coffee starts releasing a bitter taste which would certainly spoil your mood.

Microwave percolators are considered as one of the most efficient types of percolators as they consume less electricity as compare to any other percolators. It is estimated that it consumes around 42 percent less electricity.

Further the coffee percolators are differentiated into two types they are pressure type and gravity type.

Pressure type – the pressure type coffee percolators are basically consists of three sections. They are lower section where the water is stored, mild section which is the section for raw coffee and the upper section from where the completely brewed coffee is stored. Some of the pressure type percolators does not have upper section instead of that the tube is bent for delivering the coffee directly.

Gravity type – this type of percolators continuously brew the coffee through the grounds. The strength of the coffee is achieved with the help of gravity. The gravity type percolators are made up of several sections that include a small chamber which is used for filling water at the bottom, a vertical tube that reaches from the bottom to the top of the pot. It also exhibits a perforated chamber for grind coffee right at the bottom of the tube.

Author Bio: For more information on Coffee Percolators and Coffee Percolator Pots please visit our website.

Category: Home Management
Keywords: stovetop coffee percolators, microwave coffee percolators, pressure type coffee percolators, gravity

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