How Soon Should You Call Her?

Just like women have a book called The Rules, which purports to lay out in detail everything about dating from what should be said and what kind of timeline works, men seem to think that they need to follow particular rules about when to call or text a woman they have just met.

I’m here to tell you that there are no rules about when you have to do this. Every situation is different and each one has the potential for success. The most important thing to remember is to shed any aura of desperation or neediness and just be relaxed about the whole thing. Once you do this, you are almost guaranteed success. After all, if she gave you her number, chances are she does want you to call, right.

Here are different times to call and how to handle them:

Right away

I don’t care what other people say. I have never, ever struck out by calling or texting a woman right after meeting her. As long as you don’t say something cheesy, and don’t make it a big drawn out deal, it will work. Keep it simple, honest and short. Maybe say something like it was awesome talking to her at the park and you hope to talk to her more at a later date. Period.

A few days later

This is the standard and most accepted length of time so I won’t say much about it. Women usually expect a call a day or two after meeting so there aren’t any real tricks here. The only advice I would give is just be honest. Tell her you were thinking about her or that you were planning on going to try out this new sushi bar and wanted to know if she was interested in joining you. Keep it simple, honest and avoid any suggestion of desperation. If you must, keep telling yourself that there are many fish in the sea.

A month later

Maybe you had other things going on and didn’t get a chance to get a hold of the woman. This is OK, as long as you explain your reason. Honesty is always the best policy and if you tell the truth, it will be the same as if you called the woman the next day. For instance, maybe you were seeing someone else at the time and now you’re not and would like to get to know her now. Tell her that. Maybe you were super busy with an important project at work and knew you wouldn’t have time to take her out until the work situation calmed down. Tell her that. As long as you are honest, I truly believe calling a month later with a genuine good excuse for doing so will give you the same advantage as if you had called the next day.

So, in other words, in my opinion, it does not matter when you decide to call or text, as long as you are not being cheesy and have something good or interesting to say. And just as I said, if you do wait a long period of time, you better have a good reason for doing so or you come off as a jerk.

Author Bio: Bill has been studying How to Approach Women for the last 5 years in NYC and is a pick up artist who can help you learn to do the same. The original article can be found here: How Soon Should You Call Her?.

Category: Advice
Keywords: dating, advice, relationships, texting, calling

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