The View From Both Sides: The Gay Marriage Debate

There is really no debate on the subject of gay marriage if it is broken down into the reality of what a marriage is and where one is performed. A gay marriage looked at from a legal standpoint of a recognized “civil union” is not much different than any other legally binding business contract or traditional marriage. Two people now share the responsibility for each other’s actions and finances. The other side of the marriage – or gay marriage – union is the spiritual one and has nothing to do with legality. It is a feeling and a commitment between two people that can be spoken and agreed to in any setting or between any two people at any time to be faithful and promise to be together and share lives. That is it.

The need for a piece of paper announcing this to the world that comes from the government in charge of issuing these is currently available in only 5 states of these United States; it is more of a protest than an actual commitment. That said; even if a gay marriage is “granted” the couple must remain in one of those 5 states or may move to one of only 3 others that will recognize their piece of paper but have not grown to grant them for a gay marriage. Once again a “marriage” is between two people not two people and the state or country in which they live. Once the government is asked to approve this gay marriage, thereby making the general public accept this, it turns into little more than a statement of “look at me! I am different and I made enough noise that you now have to accept that I am”. A partnership needs no other approval or acceptance from any outside source be it a “traditional” union or gay marriage if it is accepted from within the hearts and minds of the two people who have made it.

The last little part of this debate is the spiritual side and the need to include the church in a gay marriage. One side of this may be that God created “Adam and Eve” not “Adam and Steve” however it is written throughout the bible that “all” are created equal and should love one another without reservation. There may be quotes pulled from the bible to support both views however most often views of the bible to support a cause are turned into little more than an interpretation of words written many years ago. People can pull small quotes from here and there to make a point that supports their view.

To sum this up, a union or commitment between two people is between two people. Many couples – gay, straight, mixed or whatever – share lives, bills, responsibilities, hearts, and a commitment to one another with no more than words spoken to each other and just staying together. A marriage – or gay marriage, union, or other chosen phrasing – is between the two people who care about each other. If a couple accepts their union, nothing else really matters.

Author Bio: Christine Crotts is an artist that enjoys thinking outside the box. While not trying to create the next masterpiece, Christine has written a site with reviews of Howard Miller grandfather clock, including antique mantel clocks.

Category: Marriage
Keywords: gay marriage,gay marriage debate,traditional marriage

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