Dog Obedience Training – Crate Train Your Puppy

When you crate train your puppy, this will allow you to develop a tool that you will be able to use with dog obedience training techniques and which will develop focus and build drive.

Crates are also commonly used to house train a puppy. Dogs do not like to relieve themselves in their beds.

Dogs will walk into a crate without too much of a problem, but once inside, may find the crate too confining and fight to get out. For this type of dog you need to work with patience and train the dog that being inside crates is just fine.
Starting out, you leave the door open and hold a really tasty treat in one hand. The treat must have a really high value such as cooked chicken, shaved ham, or roast lamb.

Lead the puppy towards the crate using the treat as a lure and when you get a few inches from the crate throw the food into the back of the crate and let the pup go in and eat the treats. This is repeated numerous times.

When the pup goes into the crate freely, the food can now be thrown into the crate as the pup runs towards the open door of the crate. With the pup inside, close the door and hold it closed for a few minutes and then release the pup. This is repeated numerous times.

Extend the time that the pup stays in the crate but do not leave him in there for more than a few minutes. If he starts panicking open the door immediately and let him out. You do not want to end up with a frightened dog, scared of crates.
In a short period of time the puppy will be content to go into the crate and lie there quietly for 5 to 10 minutes. Stop using treats at this point and start using toys and put some blankets into the crate. Take the pup outside to exercise and toilet and then bring him in and throw a toy into the crate and let the pup follow. As soon as the pup has found his toy, close the door and latch it.

When you take the dog outside, it is better that he should walk himself so that he builds memory association combining the walking outside with toileting outside. If he stops and starts sniffing or circling, pick him up immediately and head for the door as quickly as possible.

Remember to give your pup a big happy cuddle as soon as he has finished his toilet outside.

Assuming you are able to, keep the pup in the crate near you during the day, and if the pup starts complaining drop some treats into the crate and talk to him to calm him down.

If the amount of exercise you gave your pup prior to confining was adequate, he should rest for several hours.

You must be close by the crate as soon as you hear the pup stirring. Let him out of the crate and let him walk, or run, straight out into the garden. Don’t forget the rewarding cuddle.

Have a really good game with the pup before going to bed. Putting the pup into the crate, make sure he is comfortable, and has his favourite toy.

You may have some whinging to start with but the pup will settle down and within a day or two he will sleep through the night and his crate and bedding will be dry.

As soon as you hear him stir, be ready to jump out of bed and run the pup outdoors. It may take a few days before the pup is clean in his crate at night but this system of house training usually works a lot quicker than other systems and I have used it very successfully with all the pups raised by my wife and I.

At the start of this article, I stated dogs will not mess in their beds. If they do, you can give yourself a clip around the ear because you were not vigilant enough. You must never punish the dog if he has an accident and messes in his bedding.

And never use the crate as a punishment. The crate must become a place where the dog feels secure and safe.
Using dog obedience training methods and your crate you can build a really great relationship with your pup.
Through proper training you need to have taught your pup to do a strong stay .

It should be strong enough for you to be able to put the dog in the crate, leave the door open, give the dog the stay command, and for you walk away a few meters.

You can move approximately 10 meters away, and then, with a favourite toy in your hand, call the dog, showing the dog the toy and have a great tug game when he latches on. This exercise needs to be repeated several times in each training session.

Strong relationship bonding with fast release and fast recalls is built up using this basic obedience training stay and release exercise.

There are lots of other great crate training games you can work at with your dog that will bring benefits from your dog obedience training program so keep an eye out for my next post on Crate Games.

Author Bio: Nev Allen is a dog trainer with 30 years of experience and he is now sharing this experience to help you make your puppy a good, happy and well trained obedient dog. Visit my blog for more detailed dog obedience training and clicker training articles.

Category: Pets
Keywords: dog obedience training, obedience training, crate training,house training,crate,crates

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