Treadmill Reviews – 3 Tips to Choosing the Best Treadmill

So you’ve decided to take the plunge and purchase a treadmill. You’re looking forward to having a way to burn off extra calories and stay in shape in the comfort and privacy of your own home.

No matter the weather, no matter the gym lineups, it doesn’t matter. Because you’ll be able to get your workout in anyway.

But hold on there a second. What’s with all the different treadmill brands?

And why are there so many different people giving different opinions about which treadmill is best?

If you’ve read any treadmill reviews during your research, you may be a bit confused.

One person loves their Proform treadmill while another person swears by Horizon. Someone else says that Precor is the way to go while someone else says it’s overpriced.

How is it possible to choose the right treadmill when everyone has a different opinion?

Don’t worry. It’s actually not as bad as it seems. Here are 3 points to keep in mind when reading over treadmill reviews:

#1 It’s Just an Opinion

People have differing viewpoints on everything from laptops to cars to the best chocolate chip cookie. One person prefers one machine over another for many different reasons.

It doesn’t mean that one brand is superior to another (although that is a possibility). It just means that the brand is better suited to that particular person.

Don’t be threatened when someone has a different recommendation than the treadmill brand you like. It doesn’t mean that your choice is a poor choice for you. It just means someone doesn’t like what you like. No big deal.

While it’s always wise to consider other peoples viewpoints in a decision, at the end of the day, it’s your preference that really matters. Because you have to ultimately feel good about the treadmill you’re buying.

#2 How Genuine is the Review?

The sad fact is that the treadmill business is like any other – lots of competition. I’ve seen many reviews that are obviously not posted by a real buyer.

Maybe it’s from somebody working for the competition (and leaving a poor review) or it could be someone actually working for the company (and leaving a positive review). If a review is full of treadmill jargon you don’t understand – or even a bit too glowing or scarily negative, there’s a good possibility that it might not be real.

While this kind of thing used to happen more often, the great news is that with more and more real buyers leaving reviews on various websites, it’s getting easier to sift out the genuine from the fake reviews.

Now remember that just because a review isn’t real doesn’t mean it’s a bad treadmill or a good treadmill – it just means the review isn’t genuine. So if a review sounds too good (or bad) to be true, take it with a grain of salt and move on.

#3 People are More Likely To Complain Than To Praise

While this is a sad fact of human nature, it’s all too true. People are more likely to complain than to praise.

And unfortunately, this can skew the number of positive vs negative reviews you read on your chosen treadmill. So while you may come across 5 negative comments on your treadmill – there might be hundreds of people who bought that same treadmill and are completely satisfied with it. And they probably won’t leave a review.

Also realize that no matter how wonderful a treadmill may be – nothing is perfect. Sometimes a treadmill gets damaged in shipping or the person at customer service didn’t get their coffee tha morning and acted rude.

The main thing is that you want to try and get a general overall picture and not focus too much on one or two very negative reviews.

So what do you do when reviewing treadmills? Simple – do your research and trust your own choice.

Researching your options will give you a great feel for which machines offer higher value than others. But in the final analysis you have to choose a treadmill you really love and are excited about using. Do this and you’re guaranteed to find the best treadmill for you

Author Bio: Kathryn ONeill writes for Home Treadmill Reviews – a site offering the latest treadmill brand reviews and product ratings. For a list of treadmill reviews by brand visit

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: treadmill reviews,best treadmill,home,buying

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