A Guide to Diet and Weight Loss Books

If you are looking to lose weight and get fit, there are so many ways to do it these days that the mind boggles. This is a booming business, and one of the biggest successes are diet and weight loss books.

Why a book? Well, it is portable so you can carry it around with you for a start so it is always on hand for quick. Another plus is that these have generally been written by health and nutrition experts who really know what they are talking about, and these kind of books tend to be very reasonably priced. I know there is a wealth of free information available online but, quite frankly, these could have been written by your cleaning lady for all you know, and bad advice is rife on the internet.

We are going to have a look at some of the best books available today which are aimed at helping you lose weight and get fit. We will also have a look at the credentials of the authors.

One of the bestsellers around at the moment is written not by a die expert but by a British hypnotist called Paul McKenna. I can make you thin is selling in its millions, and its testimonials are very impressive. McKenna has come up with a unique weight loss plan which effectively changes your entire attitude to food, cravings and exercise. The book also comes with a CD and promises results whether you need to lose 10 stone or 10 pounds. Hypnotism is used for everything from stopping smoking to beating phobias, so why not for weight loss?

Of course, there are also diet books for specific ailments such as diabetes. The best one of these is the Diabetes weight loss diet by the Chef Antony Worrall Thompson, himself a sufferer. This is an easy to follow book with suitable foods which encourage weight loss too.

A global phenomenon is recent years has been the Atkins diet, devised by Robert C Atkins. This weight loss plan has many sceptics as it targets the body`s Insulin production and cuts out virtually all Carbohydrates, concentrating mainly on the consumption of protein. The people who have had great success with this program won’t hear a word against it, and it is a lot safer that some of the crazy fad diets which appear on a regular basis.

If you watch the TV show The biggest loser you will know who Jillian Michaels is, the nutritional and exercise expert who works with the contestants to make the pounds drop off. Her inevitable book; Master your metabolism, was the biggest selling book of this genre in 2009, and continues to sell at an amazing rate. It works on a very simple premise; if your metabolism works faster you will burn fat and lose weight quicker. It includes recipes, shopping lists and teaches you to completely re-educate your eating habits to boost your metabolism.

You can waste a lot of time and energy on supposed aids to diet and weight loss, but these books, and others, are well worth the small price you will pay for them. Why bother printing off pages and pages of information when you can get it all in one compact medium?

Author Bio: You can have access to articles in Portuguese language from page Articles Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Polomercantil

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: weight loss, diet

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