10 Way to Avoid Ban From Google

All this time I was talking about the ways that help you to get your website a higher rank in the search engines and generate lot of quality and quantity traffic from the search engines. The keywords, content, meta tags, title tags, inbound links are the major factors that help to gain higher search engine ranking. But this time we will go the other way. There are many ways that you can do to get higher rank and also there are many ways that you should not do to gain popularity. To will share with you those ways that you should not follow or you should avoid to protect your site from getting banned by search engines.

Duplicate site\content :- You should never try to fool the search engines by creating multiple websites with similar content and keywords, or to create multiple pages with the similar content with few keywords just to show that you content has high keyword density. The search engines will soon come to know about the malicious technique and can ban your site.

Cloaking :- Cloaking is a another way to fool the search engine spiders. In this the content of the site is set in such a way that the search engine spiders read it in a different way than the human visitors. This is done majorly to stuff the keywords in the content in a way that the human visitors are not able to detect it, and the search engines can read it easily and can give them higher ranking based on the keywords.

Bad Linking :- Never ever try to increase the backlinks to the site just by linking to any on that comes on the way ie. Sites that are not serving the niche in which we are serving or sites with some unethical information and content. Don’t creating linking just for the sake of getting a backlink. Be genuine and link to genuine sites only.

Title Stuffing :- According to the standards each web page must have a single and unique title. In title stuffing generally people use more than one titles of the web page to that they can cover more number of keywords. But this is unethical and should not be implemented.

Doorway\Gateway Pages :- Doorway or the Gateway pages are specially made to get higher search engine ranking, but in a fraud way. In this the page is designed for a particular keyword topic, but when you click on it, it redirects to the page that has no connection with the topic. Such pages are of no use as the content is not genuine and is of no use. It creates a bad impression in the eyes of the visitors and harness the impage of the site, and the search engine also has the authority to ban such sites, as they are using the indirect way to gain high ranking.

Redirect Pages :- This is exactly setting up the page in such a way that what you see is not what you get (WUSINWUG). Such pages are created just to gain higher search engine ranking by increasing internal, but when you click on the page it may direct you to sale, product or ad page, which might be of no use to the visitor. So avoid using such technique else you can loose the credibility of the site.

Automated Submission Service :- Never go for automated submission service. Trust and follow manual submission only. Automated submission is against the terms of service of Google, and can ban your site if you are using it.

Hidden Links :- Link on a web page is counted as vote to the site. More the number of links

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