Camacho Cigars
Camacho cigars are considered to be the very Habano cigars of non-Cuban origin. This is due to the fact that tobaccos used in these cigars come from seeds imported from Cuba into Honduras. Since that time, they have since become a staple in the world of cigars.
Camacho cigars are made by Camacho Cigars®, a company that was purchased in 2008 by the Oettinger Davidoff Group. Camacho grows all of its own tobacco, manufactures the cigars themselves, and handles its own distribution.
Camacho cigars enjoy some of the highest ratings in the world by veteran cigar aficionados. They are prized as being among the most premium quality cigars in the entire world.
The tobacco that is used to make them is grown in Honduras’s Jamastran Valley. They are made completely from Maduro filler and wrapper. “Maduro” is a Spanish word that literally means “ripe.” In cigar manufacturing, Maduro tobacco leaf is medium or dark brown. This coloration is created by either leaving the leaf on the plant for a longer period of time than normal, or by putting the leaf through a special fermentation process.
Camacho’s Maduro tobacco is fermented for a long period of time. This fermentation process draws out all of the sugars from the plant.
The strength these cigars is best described as having a medium strength that borders on full. The relative fullness of a particular blend depends primarily on the degree of Maduro in the tobacco.
There are premium Camacho blends and ultra premium blends. These include:
Camacho Triple Maduro
The triple Maduro is the only cigar in the world made with 100 percent Maduro. It has a full-bodied strength that derives a Honduran wrapper, a Honduran binder, and a Honduran filler.
10th Anniversary
This exceptional box-pressed, anniversary cigar features a Corojo wrapper, binder, and filler for a good, medium to full body strength.
This is another full body cigar made with a Corojo wrapper, binder, and filler.
Liberty 2007 and 2009 Series
The Liberty 2007 and 2009 series have been called Camacho’s tribute to America. The 2007 a Barber Pole wrapper and a Honduran binder and filler. It is described as a medium to full body strength.
The 2009 has a Habano wrapper, a Honduran binder and filler, and a full body strength.
This Camacho cigar has been described as having the best Cameroon wrapper ever. It has Honduran filler, a Honduran binder, and a medium to full body strength.
This is the only authentic Corojo cigar in the world. It consists of a Corojo binder, filler, and wrapper that produces a full body strength.
The Coyolar blend was called by the Robb Report the Best of the Best in 2006. It is an all-Coyolar cigar with full body strength.
Camacho Havana
This Camacho cigar is made with a Habana Criollo wrapper that surrounds a superb, authentic Corojo binder and filler. It has a medium to full body strength.
Camacho SLR and SLR Maduro
Made with Corojo filler, these cigars are enclosed within in a Honduran binder, and Habano/Broadleaf Maduro wrapper. Aficionados can expect a good, full body strength from these cigars.
Camacho Connecticut
This mild to medium, well balanced smoke for the luxury minded has a blend of Dominican and Honduran filler held together a Honduran Binder. It is enclosed within a Connecticut (Ecuador) wrapper that adds additional, exceptional quality to its flavor and strength.
Author Bio: For more information on Camacho Cigars and Cigar Smoking come visit our Cigar Shop online for Premium Cigars and Accessories
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