The Pros and Cons of Today`s Anti Aging Products

Everyone at some time looks in the mirror and groans, its human nature. Our faces showing signs of aging is a clear indication that although we may still feel 18 inside, we clearly aren`t. If we step outside and go shopping or something similar, we encounter literally dozens of people with wrinkled, weather beaten faces and we determine never to look like that!

So where do you start in finding an anti aging product that both suits you and delivers all that it promises? Are these prime candidates for the well used expression you get what you pay for? According to the big beauty companies, staying young looking doesn`t come cheap, but they would say that wouldn`t they? They`re a business at the end of the day and are after your hard earned cash. The key seems to be to take care of your skin from an early age. Those youngsters who lie for hours in the sun so they have that golden glow are doing irreparable damage to their skin that will rear it`s ugly head in years to come when it is simply too late to do anything about it.

Excessive exposure to the sun, smoking and alcohol all make people look older than they are, and this is damage that no amount of potions or cream will put right. The only way that the appearance of skin with this type of damage can be improved is with the likes of dermobrasion, chemical peels and other procedures. No amount of cream will improve this skin. So the skin needs to be removed carefully by professional to reveal a plumper, fresher looking skin underneath. The success of these procedures very much depends on how many layers of skin have been damaged.

The over the counter anti aging products of today concentrate on reducing fine lines and gives softer, smoother complexions. The problem is that there are just so many on the market, ranging in price from $5 to $500. The first tell tale signs of aging are usually in the tissue paper fine skin around the eyes. A big mistake made here is that at the first sign of a wrinkle we rub cream in vigorously. What we are actually doing her is increasing the problem as this skin is so delicate that you should only ever dab a product on using the tip of your little finger. There are many products on the market now that have an applicator so that you aren`t damaging the skin in any way. A sneaky tip from the supermodels is to use Haemorrhoid cream to tighten up the under eye area. Seriously, I kid you not. This has been used for years by models that have an early shoot after a night on the town and need to quickly reduce the bags under their eyes.

Do your research before buying anti aging products. There are many forums online which give impartial testimonials. There are also many recipes for natural remedies which you may want to try. Just be realistic, although you feel 18, your face will never look like that again, however much you spend.

Author Bio: ou can have access to articles in Portuguese language from page Articles Roberto Sedycias works as IT consultant for Polomercantil

Category: Aging
Keywords: anti-aging, health

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