Learning About the Types of Depression
Most people lump depression into one disorder, when in reality there are multiple different types. The most common form is major depression. This is what most people think of when they use the word but there are other types as well and some you have probably even heard of before. Some of the types include; atypical, psychotic and manic which are three of the most popular forms. In this article you will find useful information about some of the different types of this particular illness.
Major depression is the most popular kind among the three. It has many signs and symptoms. People that feel extreme helplessness or irritability most likely have this form of mental illness. Other signs consist of fatigue, loss of interest and frustration. While experiencing this particular condition all of these symptoms are likely to take over your life and interfere with your daily interaction with others. It takes an abundance of energy out of people and can cause thoughts of suicide. It can also be cured with a variety of treatments.
A person with atypical depression will not have as many of the symptoms previously described above. Normally the symptoms are severe, but less than five are experienced. It is no less serious than major nor should it go ignored. Many people begin to experience it in their teens and it often goes undiagnosed. Some doctors believe that this type of condition is actually a milder form of bipolar disorder; however that has yet to be proven. Also it can be hereditary or related to abuse in most instances.
Psychotic depression is most commonly associated with hallucinations. These hallucinations are usually negative and can emotionally bring the person down. Other symptoms include psychosis, insomnia and immobility. Some symptoms, like fatigue, are the same as the major form of depression; however it can make a person extremely angry and easily frustrated. This particular form of mental illness is often compared to schizophrenia which is characterized by abnormalities in perception. It often has some of the same characteristics as schizophrenia, but is much less severe. Much like atypical it can commonly be related to abuse.
Manic is one of the most serious emotional disorders and if frequently linked with people who are diagnosed to be bipolar. A lot of people do not understand this type of illness because it is somewhat of a contradiction. Manic is a high state where as depression is a low state. When experiencing it a person will quickly change between high and low states by coming extremely hyper or extremely depressed. Recklessness and irritability are the most well known symptoms. It is not the most common disorder but it is known to take control of many individual’s lives.
However, these four conditions are not the only types known. It can take many forms and should be diagnosed by a doctor. These are found in people all over the world at many different ages. Some are more common than others, but more than likely you know someone that has one of these types as it is very common. It can take multiple forms and can become overwhelming for many.
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Category: Advice
Keywords: major depression,psychotic depression,depression symptoms, types of depression