Nuisances Wildlife Control in Michigan

Let us look at the list of wildlife that are varmints and may require wildlife removal when they leave their normal habitat, invade our homes, and do minimal to severe damage to our property. Many people do not realize the wildlife problem that they are having. So we will go over some of the problem wildlife that we have seen getting into a home.

Bats: The #1 invader in our Michigan area is the bat. There can be just a few or a large colony that makes a home out of your house. The worst things that these animals can provide is a psychological effect when they are flying around in our house, also leave behind many droppings damaging are quality and insulation. These droppings can be a host for Histoplasmosis. This type of wildlife may also carry diseases such as rabies.

Birds: Other flying pests are birds, like woodpeckers that peck holes in siding. Pigeons, sparrows, and starlings will nest and roost in and on homes of a man made structures leaving big messes. The starlings like to build nests in the bathroom fan vents causing them to plug up and possibly damage the motor or not allowing the damp air to leave the home. Another big bird is the Canada goose leaving goose poop on golf courses and lakefronts, all the places where we walk. These big birds can become very aggressive when they are nesting and lead to a possible attack when humans are walking by.

Squirrels: The red squirrel (the spawn of satin) as I call them. This little red devil can and will get into your home any where there is a place it can chew, tunnel or climb into your home, the red squirrel in my opinion is one of the hardest animals to remove. Then there is the fox squirrel, grey squirrel and the least known is flying squirrels because they are a nocturnal animal. These animals will also cause damage to the insulation of your home and even possibly wiring in the attic spaces. In the yards we have the 13 striped ground squirrel or gopher, and we cannot forget chipmunks.

Groundhogs: The woodchuck or groundhog can be a big back yard wildlife nuisance, they can under mine concrete footings, which can cause structural problems and leave mounds of dirt out by the garden shed. Another earth mover is the occasional badger that may dig many holes looking for a meal; I call this animal “mother nature’s earth movers”.

Skunks: This wild animal can also dig up lawns looking for grubs, and they will make a home under a shed, deck in your backyard or even in the crawl space. Many calls that we receive will be during mating season and then after mating season when people see mom and the kits running around in the back yard.

Raccoons: Female raccoons like to have their pups in chimneys, attics and crawl spaces. A sure sign you have raccoons; in the spring the chattering sound coming from the fireplace, attic or ceiling areas, from the young. If the raccoon pups are born in an attic they will chew and tear up things, like insulated heat ducks, electrical wiring and even rafters. This is not including the amount of droppings left behind from the family living in your home. It can be left unknown in many second homes for years and then you could imagine how many droppings they could leave behind.

Coyotes: One larger animal in the wildlife community that can be a nuisance is the coyote. With some of them weighing up to 60 lbs, they are a very successful predator. The coyote is very adaptable hunter, livestock and pets are easy prey.

As a professional wildlife control expert, I have helped homeowners deal with the removal and control of these different varmints. They needed my help because I know how to get rid of the wildlife problem, through proper wildlife control management and keep them from being a problem again. In many cases it takes a wildlife control professional to perform wildlife removal on your home or on your property to be successful and have the exclusion to hold its integrity for years to come.

Author Bio: VaMoose Varmint Wildlife Removal take care of nuisance wildlife in Michigan. We correctly control animals that gain access into a home. Wildlife have the ability to cause considerable damage, this is why wildlife control is vital for success.

Category: Pets
Keywords: wildlife removal, wildlife control, wildife, control, removal, raccoons, skunks, squirrel, bats

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