Understanding Taser And How It Affects Animals Like Dogs

Surprisingly, there are so many individuals all over the world who loves to take care of animal dogs. Dogs are charming, can easily be trained, useful in terms of giving protection, can be a very good companion, and to other’s experiences, can save life. When we see dogs of different breed especially when they are still a puppy, our hearts melt because of their cuteness and their charm. The presence of dogs in our home can bring a certain joy and happiness particularly when they run fast to the door when we get home.

It is known that dogs are a man’s best of friend. But what if it goes the other way around? What if they became our most hated enemy and most feared living animal? We never really know what runs into the minds of our pet dogs. It is creepy to hear stories of some individuals wherein they were attacked by their own pet dogs and this could be very fatal since dogs have rabies which can disrupt the normal functioning of our body.

When dogs are maltreated, they become violent. If you spank them, hit them or batter them with stick, they will definitely hunt you down. This is what aggravates their violent personality. Not only will dogs hunt you, but the law enforcers and dog advocates will come looking for you as well. Dogs should be treated well and so with other animals. Since we have the capacity to think and understand them, we should learn to adjust ourselves and simply become very cautious because as mentioned, we do not know what they are thinking.

There might be many out there having a difficulty from loving animals such as dogs. It might be due to a traumatic experience wherein the individual might got bitten or perhaps chased by a vicious, stray dog. Some may just simply hate the growling and their big fangs. That is why there are many individuals who carry a self defense stunning device like the taser when they walk around the village or when they take their dogs during a morning jog.

Taser as we all know is a handy self defense gun which causes a fast stunning effect on humans. The electrical current that is projected quickly disrupts the functioning of the nervous system. But the taser does not have the capacity to kill someone. It only causes temporary immobilization. Since we are just alike the animals, when taser is used upon them, they too will not die as well.

Use of Tasers on dogs cannot cause death. It will only bring minor harm just like what humans will feel. It is effective in any dogs no matter what breed it is especially when the voltage is high. But, if you are concerned of the dog’s welfare, there are other alternatives to scare away the dogs without hurting them that much. Such as making loud noises, or by just simply avoiding areas where there are stray dogs that can harm you or will harm your dogs.

Dogs will be dogs and it is only us who can understand them. Train your dogs well that way they cannot harm you and the others as well.

Author Bio: Joseph Pressley is a certified TASER instructor and a Tae Kwon Do black belt and a father of two. He is the co-founder of BestStunGun.com which provides a good variety of Stun Gun and TASER for personal protection. To learn more on how these products can save your life, please visit http://www.beststungun.com

Category: Pets
Keywords: Taser, self defense, stunning device, self defense gun, stunning effect, immobilization

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