Should Children Be in Beauty Pageants?

There is a lifelong debate on whether children should be entered into beauty pageants. Some think that it is an excellent idea and what it can help their child become more successful in life. Others think that it promotes a bad self image on children and that it is extremely unhealthy. This article will look at both sides of the issue and explain the thoughts of the parents of the children entered into contests.

Before discussing the two sides of children in beauty shows it is important to know what they are and how old children have to be to enter. It is a competition that chooses a winner based on a variety of things. These things most commonly include evening gown, swim suit, interview, overall appearance, and talents. Some of these contests may include all of these or only some. Most of these categories are based on age, which leads to the next point of how old you need to be to enter one. The answer to this question is that children are entered into them at all ages. Some people start their children in pageants only a few months after they are born.

The people that think there is no problem with entering their children into these types of contests come few and far between. Most of the people that think that it is okay to enter their children into one at an extremely early age usually do so. These parents, usually mothers, feel that they are doing a good thing for their children. They feel that they are opening them up to a world of success and beauty. Most parents that enter their children into shows do so because they think it will help them become happier with themselves and gain high self esteem. These people also think that being in pageants makes their children become better competitors, which will help them in the future.

On the other hand some people think that entering children into them is a terrible thing to do. They feel that forcing the children to do these actually give them lower self esteem and will make them have higher anxiety and depression levels in the future. Most times people that are against putting young children into pageants will argue that it gives children a wrong view of self image. These people are usually very strong willed and may even attempt to boycott or protest a contest that is for children. Their main point is that it is degrading and disturbing to exploit children in this way.

While neither of the sides previously described are right, neither are wrong either. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and can judge child beauty pageants however they want. As previously stated this is an issue that has been debated for a very long time. It has become so heated there are even new TV shows that show the lives of these young children in them. Most likely this debate will not slow down any time soon, and will be a controversial issue forever. So to answer the question of if children should be in this type of public display, there is no correct answer. As for now, the issue is left up to the parents and what they believe in.

Author Bio: Christine Crotts likes a neat and tidy bedroom. Clutter just makes her go crazy. Christine has written a site containing reviews on under the bed storage, as well as plastic storage totes.

Category: Womens Interest
Keywords: young children,beauty pageants,children in beauty shows,beauty shows

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