5 Questions Overweight Persons Must Ask Their Doctor and Not Their Personal Trainer

The reasons why people approach a personal trainer could be numerous but the most common reason a person needs a physical trainer is to shed some extra pounds he or she has gained. Weight reduction has gained immense popularity in recent times because of the health awareness that has engulfed people today. People who want to work that excess flab out may at times also have some health concerns and this is irrespective of age, lifestyle, profession and culture. Also, these health concerns may or may not conflict with the exercise routine one follows.

Many a times, once the comfort level is built with the personal trainer, many people try to get information on their physical health from the instructor. Certain medical problems like obesity requires the expertise of a recognized medical practitioner since these issues could be related to or have other root causes which need to be diagnosed. A doctor helps in understanding an individual’s medical conditions and the implications it has on their body and the exercises they must follow. There is an inherent difference in the nature of the professions. A fitness instructor can provide general guidelines on maintaining fitness and basic nutritional aspects. He or she can chart diet and exercise plans but when it comes to medical problems, the advice from a doctor generally works best.

Any person who is obese or overweight must ask their doctor five essential questions. The ASBP (American Society of Bariatric Physicians) has come up with a list of these questions after thorough research and investigation and these include – are there any other conditions that does not allow me to lose weight? Do I have hypothyroidism? How are my Vitamin D levels? Am I insulin resistant and finally am I ready for an exercise routine? This list of questions is critical because it not only helps the doctor to chart a weight loss program for the patient but also to determine the root causes of the obesity concern. The most significant areas for an obese person to understand about oneself are hypothyroidism, Vitamin D levels and resistance to insulin. A personal trainer helps in substantiating and coming up with a suitable routine with respect to both diet and physical activity.

Hypothyroidism is a medical state where the thyroid gland does not produce sufficient hormones. This occurs commonly due to inflammation of the gland which damages the gland’s cells. One of the effects and symptoms of this condition is weight gain since the metabolic rate will be slow.

When Vitamin D levels in the body dip; it could result in excessive fatigue and exhaustion and hence becoming increasingly difficult to lose weight. Insulin has its association with diabetes and resistance to it could make a person overindulge in eating. These conditions throw open the need to ask the most critical question – is the individual ready to indulge in a physical exercise? Obese people are more vulnerable to certain activities that could prove dangerous to their health and hence a wise decision of determining the right exercise routine must be made. It is the responsibility of the individual to get a doctor’s advice and thereafter approach the personal trainer to complete the cycle. As a matter of fact, exercising is important and a necessity.

A structured weight loss program drafted by the doctor will carry a list of to do’s and not to do’s and with the consultation of the personal trainer, weight loss can be made extremely effective. A personal trainer helps in adapting and refining several exercising techniques that could help in avoiding exercise related risks and also accelerate weight reduction at the same time.

Author Bio: Dan Clay is a local Personal Trainer and boot camp expert. If you would like to hire a personal trainer Vaucluse, for a free Vaucluse personal trainerconsultation, visit Sydney personal training.

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: personal trainer Vaucluse, Vaucluse personal trainer, Sydney personal training

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