How to Get Attention From Women – 4 Tips to Get Her to Notice You!

Trying to figure out how to get attention from women can make a man go mad. When you want to get noticed by a woman, it seems like it becomes harder and harder to get her to pay attention to you. Of course, when you use the right methods to attract women, you can make it EASIER on yourself. Most guys just kind of hope that they will get attention from women, while other guys do what they need to in order to make it happen.

Just make sure that you are getting positive attention from her. You could get women to pay attention to you by doing your best impression of Frank the Tank and go running down the street naked, but that would not exactly make the right kind of impression on a woman that you want, would it?

Here are 4 tips to get women to notice YOU:

1. Be flirtatious with a woman.

If you are flirty and can make a woman smile, then you can be sure that she is going to pay attention to you. Not only that, you can be sure that it will be POSITIVE attention, as a girl loves a guy that knows how to flirt and make her smile. Concentrate on doing this, and you will be able to attract attention from women wherever you go.

2. Learn how to open a conversation without a cheesy line.

Girls can spot a guy that is trying to pick them up from a mile away. And when she gets a little bit older than say, 21, opening a conversation with a cheesy line just does not cut it. You will get much farther and make a better impression on a woman by opening the conversation with something more REAL and more NATURAL.

3. Find a way to make her laugh and tease her.

A guy that is a bit of a bad boy, one that can make a woman laugh with him, and at herself in a good way, will have a much easier time attracting attention from her. After all, where will she want to go when she wants to get rid of the stress and just have a good time? To the man that can make her laugh, not be so serious, and just kick back and have a FUN time.

4. Be the guy that is hard for her to get.

You will definitely get attention from a woman if you are playing hard to get with her. Think about it like this. Most women are pretty much used to being able to wrap a guy around their finger and make him do all of the things that they want him to do. So, it gets pretty OLD, when they meet guys like this. When you play hard to get with her, you give her a CHALLENGE, which makes it that much more exciting for her.

Getting attention from women can be EASY when you know exactly what techniques to use to make HER stop dead in her tracks and take a second look your way.

Author Bio: Click Here: Want to know how YOU can be the guy that women start to CHASE after and discover how to use how to attract women tips that will make a girl go WILD for YOU?Or, check this out:Guy Gets Girl Reviews Copyright © 2010 Chris Tyler All Rights

Category: Dating
Keywords: how to get attention from women,get her to notice you,attract attention from women,flirt with her

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