Cigarette Quitting

Would you stop smoking if I held a gun to your head and pulled the prompt if you ever lit up a cigarette? How people answer is not always what they would do.

Most people I ask this question to in my stop smoking hypnosis practice answer – “of course.” Well, I explain, this is what you’re doing each time you smoke. You’re playing the deadly game of “Russian Roulette” – only the odds and outcome are much worse than this game of chance.

Let me explain.

When you light up a cigarette and smoke it there isn’t any way for you to know if it is the smoke that steps your system over the edge and into an unhealthy decline. You see you don’t hear the exploding chamber or experience the twinge of a bullet stabbing your skull.

It’s a deadly silence and there’s no warning you have just shot yourself – and maybe fatal.

Most smokers’ I see inside my hypnosis practice are motivated to quit for health issues rather than saving money. Yes, smoking is very expensive these days but I’ve never found it to be the main reason a smoker decides to quit. It’s invariably concern over what is happening to their body or a life changing event that triggers the motivation to quit.

For a smoker the thought of somebody following them around with a pistol ready to fire at their head if they ever smoked is enough to compel them to say they wouldn’t smoke. This is because they can imagine a revolver and know eventually the chamber with a bullet will line up with the activate.

But take the same smoker and put them back into their normal world and they’ll illuminate their cigarette without a thought they’re playing “Russian Roulette” with their life. In fact, it’s a lot worse than I’ve described, as the cannon has an endless chamber and there is more than one bullet or chance for a fatal effect.

One chamber for every cigarette you smoke and you never know if it’s empty or has a live bullet. Are you feeling lucky today?

There’s another similar imagery I use in my hypnosis practice for the same effect.

This time a person is walking on a path in the woods and comes to a fork. One path leads to disease and death and the other path leads to a healthy life. Which one would you choose?

Ignoring any obvious cynical responses, smokers will chose the path to health; at least they’ll say that if asked. But again do their actions support this once they get back into the normal world and that fork in a forest path is far from their thoughts?

So my role after presenting this imagery to clients is to prompt in their head one of these pictures when they think of having a cigarette. Hypnosis is the tool of choice to achieve that effect.

If you’re a smoker next time you pull out a cigarette consider if you’re willing to pull the set off of the rifle at your head. Consider if you’d consciously choose the path to disease and death. If you’re thinking about it then you’re not ready to quit smoking. But if either thought disturbs you and you’re breaking out in a sweat then you may be ready to stop smoking and should seek professional help.

There are a lot of quit smoking products available in the market today. But a give up smoking product that suits your need is hard to find. People often are confused about what will help them the most to quit smoking. There are so many things to choose from and there are literally thousands of people vouching for every product. It gets hard in this situation to find exactly what will help you.

Here is a record of give up smoking harvest that you may be interested in.

1. Nicotine patches: These patches is usually applied to your upper limb in addition to they provide the body through a bit of nicotine, in order that you don’t crave for cigarettes. As instance passes through as well as the body makes accustomed to this, the depth of the nicotine during the patches is summary thus the body receives a reduced amount of helpful to nicotine. Leisurely the craving for nicotine is diminished.

The chief flaw through nicotine patches is to it only issues with the animal habit to nicotine. The psychological need is not affected. It is a wonderful product and anyone who has a firm determination to quit smoking can use this product to assist them in their goal. But the success rate is not adequate and only those who have excessively strong will power are able to quit using this product.

2. Nicotine gums: These gums work on the same principle as nicotine patches. It stops the craving for cigarettes by providing a nicotine substitute, which in this case is a chewing gum. Again it does not have to do anything with the psychological aspect of quitting. The success rate is quite small when compared to other quit smoking products that take the psychological aspect into consideration.

3. Hypnosis tapes: Hypnosis tapes are the only products available in the market that deals with the psychological aspect of Need To Quit Smoking?. If you want a quit smoking product that has the highest success rates then I would suggest you go for them.

The hypnosis tapes directly targets the subconscious mind which is responsible for the cigarette cravings. It has an extremely high success rates and those who use it are able to quit smoking within days. But unless a person is willing for the hypnosis to be performed, it has no effect. So, if you buy this quit smoking product then make sure that you are 100% sure that you want to quit smoking.

If you must choose an effective product after that I would recommend you choose a one which deals considering the psychology of quitting. Studies encompass revealed how the compulsion is barely 10% physical and 90% psychological. So even if you are able to get rid of the 10% physical addiction, you can easily go back to quit smoking because the root of the problem is still there.

Author Bio: Bennett Brewer has been an online author for 10 years. His depth is vast, ranging from technology to sports to music to politics. Quit Smoking Cigarettes

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: smoking,stop smoking,quit smoking

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