How to Design a Website of Your Own

Everyone seems to have an online presence these days. Creating a website can be costly, especially when having one professionally designed. However, with a little creativity and a whole lot of patience, you can fashion your own site for a fraction of the cost. Using these simple tips will help you produce a user friendly site.


To begin the journey of processing your website, you need to start with a reliable software program. Many software packages offer WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) technology, such as drag and drop. Other features are rollover creation, preview mode, templates, and site backup. There are a few really great website building software packages out there with a hefty price tag included, but you don’t have to spend a fortune to get a really good site. Here are some suggestions for software packages that won’t lighten your pocketbook. Each package is under $100.

– CoffeeCup Visual Site Designer

– Serif WebPlus

– Web Easy Professional

– NetObjects Fusion

– BestAddress Editor

or you can use online site builders like HighPowerSites.


Using eye pleasing colors is the best for any website. One rule of thumb is to use two primary colors with one secondary color. Looking at a color chart or an artist palette will help in giving you ideas. Another thought is to use natural colors found in the environment. When you gaze up at the sky, you see brown branches peeking through variant colors of green leaves with a back drop of a brilliant blue sky. These colors are familiar to the eye and are an acceptable color combination.


You want to be careful what font and text size you use. Online users who spend any time on the Internet develop eye strain from reading tiny font size or curly fonts. You want your user to be comfortable on your site and not click away. Steer clear from any fonts which will cause difficulty in reading long paragraphs such as cursive or pictorial fonts. Suggested eye pleasing fonts are Ariel and Georgia, these matched with fonts sizes of twelve or fourteen points will lessen any eye strain.


Pictures can add sparkle to your site. They are interesting and can aptly give your text more meaning. You can add a picture of yourself or you can visit websites which allow you to download copyright free images to dress up your site.


When creating your site you should ask yourself questions. What is the purpose of my site? Who is my target audience? What is my goal for creating this site? These questions will help you in fashioning the site for your user’s needs. Try not to clutter your space with too many paragraphs or pictures. Keep your format clean, easy to read, access, and understand.


With several inexpensive website builder software programs on the market, there is no need to pay exorbitant prices for a website. Creativity and information can help you design your own site.

Author Bio: Now you can Make A Website or Make Your Own Website incredibly fast at Access 1000 Ways To Make Money Online.

Category: Internet
Keywords: web design, web development, build a website, make a website,website builder software

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