Searching for the World’s Best Anti Wrinkle Cream?

A company might claim to make the worlds best wrinkle cream. But, can they prove it?

Even if you are not the skeptical type, you must realize that exaggerated claims should be backed up with facts or proof. How can a company prove that their products are as good as they say they are?

Well, a complete list of ingredients helps. Many of the companies that advertise on the internet don’t even provide that.

It would be nice to know the results of clinical testing. If pre-market trials were conducted, it is helpful to know who participated in the trials and what the results were.

Most retail providers do not do their own research and development. They rely on information provided by the manufacturer of the wholesale ingredients.

Wholesale manufacturers do usually conduct clinical testing, although they are not required to prove the safety of an ingredient before releasing it to the public. In the US, the only requirement is that a warning label is included. The label will say: “This product has not been tested for safety.”

The purpose of the label is to warn the customer that they are using the product at their own risk. The worlds best wrinkle creams will not bear that label.

According to reports from public safety groups like the Environmental Working Group, many of the ingredients in our cosmetics are not safe. Allergens, irritants and toxins abound.

Cancer-causing agents and compounds that are toxic to the nervous system are included in some products. Manufacturers are allowed to use things that cause birth defects and mutations in DNA strands.

Knowing all of this, it might make you feel that using any cosmetic is risky business. You want something that is good for your skin’s health and appearance, not something that could hurt you.

If a product can truly be called the worlds best wrinkle cream, it must be safe. It should not bear warning labels of any kind.

The best products on the market today are manufactured by companies that adhere to the European Union’s standards for safety in cosmetics. The EU has banned thousands of hazardous chemicals, while the US has banned only a handful.

Companies committed to providing safe cosmetics have even signed a pact. They display this label: “Proud signer of the compact for safe cosmetics.” If you see that label, you can buy the product with confidence.

If they are really the worlds best wrinkle creams, they must also be effective. Compounds that have been proven effective for reducing wrinkles and improving firmness by more than 10% include nano-particles of coenzyme Q10, Functional Keratin and polypeptides.

It is important to look for something that provides more than a 10% improvement, because less than that is not visible to the naked eye. What’s the point in buying something and using it on a regular basis if you cannot see the difference?

Just remember not to buy into the advertising hype. It takes real work to make the worlds best wrinkle cream, not just a bunch of words.

Author Bio: Valerie Rosenbaum has spent years searching for the best anti aging skin care products available. The skin care product line she discovered uses a proprietary blend of all natural ingredients like Cynergy TK and functional keratin. To learn more visit her website

Category: Aging
Keywords: worlds best wrinkle cream, worlds best wrinkle creams

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