Cnc-machiningparts Reports Cheung Wing Textile Win Favor Innovation Far Ahead of Large Companies

River is located in Hangzhou Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou, long-wing street Textile Machinery Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of textile machinery in the traditional enterprise. The world’s leading companies in many industries are major clients of his company’s products are also exported to USA, Japan, Germany, Singapore, Thailand, Mexico, Taiwan and more than 10 countries and regions.

What these big companies are so popular, this traditional enterprise? The answer is “no tradition of traditional enterprises.”

Drafting standard National Laboratory preparation
In the long wing textile machinery, huge workshop, spinning machine to run the rumbling, the rows of yarn tube to rotate rapidly, but can not find workers in several operations. General Manager Fuyue Qin told reporters, “the traditional textile industry is generally a person responsible for a machine, our factory workers are generally one person is responsible for 4 to 5 sets twister, so I do not see a few people. Of course to do so, all depend on the support of technology. ”

“One-step NC compound twisting machine” is a long wing spinning the “fist” products, the product high degree of automation, reliability, stable performance, high precision twist the yarn, 45 machine requires only a manipulation . The product in the domestic market share reached 70%, has more than 20 series varieties is a key technology projects in Zhejiang Province. One-step NC compound twisting machine in 2004 passed the provincial appraisal in 2005, also received the National Torch Program, Ministry of Science and Technology Innovation Fund award, won in 2008, Zhejiang Science and Technology Progress Award, the state’s first (set) of major technology equipment items.

This year in January, long-wing spinning drafting of a “one-step NC compound twisting machine,” the national industry standard successfully passed the national standard committee’s approval, is expected to be formally released in June. The industry standard has filled the domestic blank, but also to ensure that the “one-step NC compound twisting machine” quality.

“Foreigners provide product data on the stresses, with the standard, only the data, with data there will be a trust; there is no standard, people will doubt you.” Fu Yueqin insisted develop “one-step NC compound twisting machine” the idea of national industry standards simple and makes sense. At present, the drafting of the national industry standard for precision winding machine has also been reported to the national standard committee, the company’s national system of experimental base line of machines are also submitted for approval. Fu Yueqin of the program in the future, the company reported an annual drafting of industry standards.

Innovative leader in each of three new products

Textile is a long wing export-oriented enterprises, export share of 60%, last year’s financial crisis, a great impact on the export business. “The financial crisis, export blocked, how do?”

Crisis for Fu Yueqin made a surprise decision to all: just arrived in the crisis of 2008, long wings for textile machinery investment over 170 million R & D, but the crisis outbreak in 2009, when this figure to more than 200 million.

Of course, Fu Yueqin has no “loss.” “This year in January the company to achieve a good start, light orders for more than 400 million, up 200%; date of the order has more than 10 million yuan, is expected to order the whole year will reach 50 million yuan or so.” I am afraid that even their own past do not believe that these are illusory figures can really translate into real productivity, and now put these figures in the Fu Yueqin eyes.

Today, innovation has become a long-wing spinning up and down the staff consensus, the company agree that each employee has the concept of enterprise development. Long-wing national new textile equipment textile machinery industry, the first members of the League of technological innovation, R & D in the duplex composite fancy twisting machine, one-step deceleration twisting machine of steel to make lifting devices 7 innovations won the national patent Another is to declare the number of invention patents.

When the crisis subsided slowly, the taste of the sweetness of a long wing Textile Machinery Co., Ltd. does not intend to reduce the R & D investment, this company plans to invest 1.5 million yuan to 200 million for new product development. “R & D every year about new products 3. Only products leading to market leadership.” This is the long wing Fu Yueqin Textile companies. In addition, in order to expand product market share abroad, Fu Yueqin plans to participate this year in June in Shanghai at the ITMAAsain + CITME2100 exhibitions and every four years the European International Textile Machinery Exhibition.

In addition to a large number of investment funds, long-wing company also has a professorial senior engineers, senior engineers, engineers, more than 60 high-quality as the main research and development team to establish the design, testing, testing center, training, test base; and Donghua University, Zhejiang University of the close technical cooperation for the development of innovative long-wing spinning and the next step and injecting new vitality. With these non-traditional approach, long-wing spinning this original tradition of textile machinery manufacturers, branded deeply imprinted on the high-tech for the company in the transformation and upgrading of the road ahead and create the conditions for stride.

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Keywords: Sheet Metal Cabinet ,Turned parts

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