Solar Energy Enterprises Should Aim at Global Access Standards

This year, swept from the face of global green wave, solar energy industry will face a full upgrade, competition will become more intense. “98% of the export share of overseas markets for the local solar energy means that business-critical. China’s solar energy manufacturers must make their products comply with global access requirements.” Solar Product Quality Testing Center, Zhejiang Province, Shen Bin, director of solar light in the recently held Hot Products Europe and the United States certification seminar, clearly points out the requirements of the local solar energy companies.

The seminar was organized by the world’s leading quality and safety services Intertek Intertek Group together solar product quality inspection center, Zhejiang, Zhejiang Solar Energy Society co-sponsored.

It is learned that prior to the convening in the seminar, Intertek Intertek Group and the Swedish National Institute of Technology signed a cooperation agreement, and received the American Solar Energy rating and certification company) qualification granted by accredited laboratories, making China the only one within the Ke provide localized services to third party international certification lab. It is reported that, SolarKeymark certification enables enterprises to obtain up to 45% of the substantial subsidies; obtained SRCC certification of products, exported to the U.S. can enjoy no less than 30% of the cost of tax relief. In addition, Intertek Intertek Guangzhou solar energy lab in March of this year and Beijing Jianheng Certification Center (CGC) signed a cooperation agreement, a signed certification of Golden Sun Solar products testing organization, the “export + domestic” full coverage of the service pattern, China’s solar industry is no doubt of great significance.

In this seminar, experts from Intertek Intertek Group, detailed interpretation of the United States and Europe SolarKeymark SRCC solar water heater these two important export certification standards. Meanwhile, Beijing Jianheng Certification Center – Golden Sun certification certification bodies have also introduced a Golden Sun expert certification requirements and application procedures. 100 solar energy manufacturers on how to successfully export North America, Europe, how to meet the relevant requirements of the domestic market, how to obtain the corresponding subsidies issues discussed.

In 2009, China’s solar thermal, photovoltaic industry contrarian and on the export growth rate of close to 150% year on year. The certification is like a gateway to national passports, on the international market is essential. Zhejiang Shen Fuxin Solar Energy Society, said the Secretary-General: “Select the appropriate certification, enabling companies to reduce time to market, access to appropriate subsidies, reduce the risk of cost. Solar industry and expanding export markets, not only need to make the enterprises to ensure product quality, greater need third-party inspection and certification bodies to assist with the match. ”

At the same time as China’s first professional certification with Europe and the United States qualified third-party laboratory, Intertek Intertek Group has been to help develop industry standards to help companies enhance the value of responsibility. Recently, a number of authoritative institutions at home and abroad, for solar energy products and other new standards to start research, technical standards and certification qualifications are walking in the forefront of the industry.

Intertek Intertek Group, Laboratory for Photothermal Huang Qiang talked about related to export certification services, said: “Enterprise by Intertek to achieve ‘a test, access the world’, the direct beneficiaries of improved authentication service solar manufacturers. We continue with the international organizations to cooperate in more European standards, the U.S. standard test items can be domestic achievement, in the hope that the international standards and local service combined with the strength, by virtue of its perfect for Tiji for Chinese enterprises to provide convenient of ??, helping them Jieyue costs to more competitive international markets. ”

China as the world’s largest production and processing bases, accounting for 75% of global production capacity of solar collectors. However, because the core technology, the main market, three out of raw materials, local manufacturers rely heavily on export markets and government subsidies. Reflected in this issue for enterprises, Huang Qiang said: “The certification test is able to effectively regulate product standards, to enhance product value, which is exactly what local businesses needed. In recent years, the stability of the domestic solar market, rapid growth also reflects the company on dependence on overseas markets is gradually reduced.

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