Luggage Business Without Fear of Zero Tariff

China and ASEAN each other in the process of reducing tariffs, many export enterprises Yiwu obviously enjoyed a lot of good. But faced with this in Indonesia and other countries this practice, Yiwu enterprises have been very calm mentality.

January 1 this year, China – ASEAN Free Trade Area started. However, recently, the fear of the impact of their quality and cheap Chinese goods manufacturing, Indonesia and other ASEAN member countries to delay the implementation of China – ASEAN FTA.

Free Trade Agreement was Variable

January 1, China and ASEAN 6 old member states (including Brunei, the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore), with over 90% of the products at zero tariff, average tariff from China to ASEAN 9.8% to 0.1%; old member states of ASEAN 6 to China’s average tariff from 12.8% down to 0.6%. 4 new members of ASEAN, namely Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar in 2015 90% of the zero tariffs.

According to media reports related to this year’s launch of the comprehensive free trade area, a number of ASEAN enterprises have on the competitiveness of low-cost products in China expressed concern. Indonesia, part of the business owners that the origin of China’s clothing, toys and electronic products, will reduce their market share and damage its business interests.

To this end, the Government has to submit a report to the Council of Southeast Asian Nations, ASEAN and China hopes on China – ASEAN free trade zone in the reduction of tariffs to renegotiate some of the content, requires a lot of products to postpone the implementation of zero tariff policy to take effect in January 2011. The country that this can attract more Indonesian companies to upgrade the industrial structure adjustment of the time.

Yiwu Enterprises Comfortable With

90’s of last century, Yiwu trade with ASEAN has been. In 2005, the “China – ASEAN Framework Agreement on Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement on Goods Trade” purposes, native to China and ASEAN each other tariff preferences to certain products, preferential tariff treatment, Yiwu trade between ASEAN and temperature.

In 2008, Yiwu self-ASEAN exports 79,690,000 U.S. dollars, up 25.36 percent. Yesterday, reporter learned from relevant departments of Yiwu City, Yiwu of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations last year, the trade data are not yet available. But existing data show that 1 in October last year, Yiwu on the 10 ASEAN countries with exports amounting to 55.5 million U.S. dollars self, the main export commodities include textiles, garments, electronic products, toys, bags and so on.

China and ASEAN each other in the process of reducing tariffs, many export enterprises Yiwu obviously enjoyed a lot of good. But faced with this in Indonesia and other countries this practice, Yiwu enterprises have been very calm mentality.

Prior to that, was actively involved in Malaysia Chinese Export Commodities Exhibition and Investment Fair in Yiwu, the dragon head Shaobao Ling bags that they with Indonesia, Malaysia, ASEAN countries have been related to trade conducting business, and this year China – ASEAN FTA Full start promising area. Should the part but really deferring the implementation of the ASEAN countries and China, the majority of goods between the zero-tariff policy, they would not be too disappointed. “A good policy is best, if not, we will do a good job business, good products, to develop a broader domestic and international markets.” She said.

And Shao Baoling, like many other enterprises with ASEAN trade of Yiwu business owners in an interview that China and ASEAN trade cooperation is an external good, but the company wants to truly globally competitive, reliable, or continue to strengthen internal management and product innovation.

Author Bio: I am a professional editor from Chinese Manufacturers, and my work is to promote a free online trade platform. contain a great deal of information about professional hairdryers,carsoft,office seating

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