When Dragons Invade Your Sleep

I had a dream . . . it was about a dragon. It wasn’t a bad dream, but it wasn’t that good either. The fire-breather surely wasn’t Puff, the Magic Dragon. What could be the significance of it?

The dragon has always been a representation of strength, however depending on which culture it came from, the power was either good or terrible. Eastern culture has historically thought of dragons as judicious and beneficial, luck, and a indication of a spiritual or personal quest. Conversely, Western culture has typically viewed dragons as evil, destructive, guardians of treasure and symbols of greed. So does this represent if you are from Eastern culture, you dream of benevolent dragons and if you are from Western tradition, terrible ones?

The dragon makes quite a number of appearances in Biblical passages. In at least one Book (Revelations), the devil shifts into the form of a dragon. So are dragons fiends?

While this is one extreme explanation, another, which is widely established across belief systems, is that to dream of a fire-breather is to dream about a individual problem that must be dealt with. Being chased by a dragon is an anxiety dream, similar to those in which you are standing in front of the classroom in your underwear. Perhaps you will even see yourself fighting a dragon while several of your other personal anxieties (like for me, being too late to take a test that is going to control what I do for the rest of my life) occur around you.

It is said that if the dragon in your dreams has wings, it is representing transcendence and insight. I’ve read that riding a dragon in your dreams is prophesy for some form of spiritual alteration.

Is the dragon in your dream watching over an entrance to a cave? Several sources decipher that the cave is your subconscious and inside that cave is treasure, which in turn is your true self. In this interpretation, fighting the dragon stands for struggling with your own fear concerning reaching and understanding your true self.Dragons in dreams are also associated with power, fire, and passion. Some people believe that these creatures are symbols of your sexual and emotional domains. However, it is also cautioned that these dreams are there to warn you to make use of self control, which when not utilized, can lead to all kinds of harm.

Still an additional explanation comes from Freud and Jung, who, as you may have surmised, attribute dragon dreams to a person’s “devouring” elements of his or her mother or if you are male, your inability out of fear or misunderstanding to incorporate your feminine part into your personality.

So the next time you wake frightened from a dream about a dragon, don’t turn on all the lights and go into hiding beneath the blankets. Write down what you dreamt and then when you are more alert, really think about a number of of the issues and fears underlying your everyday being. Many of the times these are harder to cope with than fire-breathing creatures. That said, just remember that your dream is conveying to you a message and that is that you can do it-you can take care of and slay your dragon.

Author Bio: Jeff Bronson is the owner of Obscuria.com, a darkly unique Gothic shop. Obscuria offers a quality selection of dragon figurines and dragon collectibles, and many custom made, exclusive in the U.S items.

Category: Culture
Keywords: dragon figurines, dragon collectibles, dragon collectables, dragon figurine, fantasy dragon, fantas

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