How To Improve Your Singing Voice

Many people like to sing or hum a tune for leisure. You are probably one of them and that is why you are reading this article on how to improve your singing voice. Have you ever asked yourself why do you want to be a better singer. After all you are not singing for anyone but yourself, aren’t you?

Let me ask you a question. If you do not know why you are doing certain things, then how can you improve and get any better at it. In anything that you do, knowing what you want and finding out the path to get there and then do it, you will be successful in getting to your goals. Being a better singer is no exception. So what are you doing about it?

Well, everyone can improve on their singing and that means so can you. So here are a few simple tips to help you to become a better singer. This is something you can do yourself without hiring a singing teacher or a vocal coach. All it takes are a little discipline and willingness to try techniques that you have never attempted. Nothing ventured, nothing gain, right?

Everyone knows that good breathing technique is needed to learn how to sing better because your breath is used to sing as well as to speak. So it is essential that you use good breathing technique when singing. When people say sing from the diaphragm, that is singing with good breathing technique.

Now, try doing some breathing exercises everyday in which you breathe from your diaphragm. Take a deep breath and expand the abdominal area at the same time. Yes, expand your abs and your entire core, not your chest. Then breathe out slowly and gently deflate your core and abdominals to its natural position. This is the singing breath singers talked about.

If you sing from your lungs with an expanded chest like most people do, you will strain your throat and your voice will come out tight. This is the similar to speaking from your lungs incorrectly. You need to speak and sing from your diaphragm just like babies do naturally. That is why when babies cry, they can throw their voices far away without straining.

If you can sing from your diaphragm properly, you will be able to sustain notes much longer and learn how to sing more effortlessly. Just like the babies, good professional singers can sing powerfully without shouting and straining their voices like they are not even trying. This is because they are using their diaphragms when singing and at the same time, they know how to create resonance the timbre with their natural bone cavities.

Next singing tip is to learn how to control your larynx (voice box) to learn how to sing better. The larynx is the cartilage in the back of your throat that you can see in the mirror moving up and down when you swallow. Keep your larynx relaxed in a lower position to allow maximum amount of airflow just like when you are yawning. The freedom of airflow allows for a better singing voice and also make your voice soar effortlessly if executed correctly.

With just a some diligent practice, you can learn how to be a better singer and improve on your voice quality. By just controlling your larynx and with good breathing techniques, your singing will improve. It just takes a little consistent practice.

I said the techniques above will help you to improve on your singing voice, but I did not say that they will make you a good singer. There are a lot more things to learn and master if you want to become a great singer.

To do so, you must take lessons from good singing teachers. Not just any vocal coach, but good ones. You will also need to practise with vocal exercises to have good tonal qualities, an agile voice, widen your vocal range, perfect your vibrato, alternate your head voice with your chest voice or even mix the voices just to name a few common desirable singing techniques.

Author Bio: Chris Chew is the resident author and music consultant at How To Be A Great Singer and How To Sing In Absolute Pitch

Category: Entertainment
Keywords: improve singing, good singer, singing voice, singing teacher

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