Five Surprising Things Women Notice About Men

When a woman meets you, you might worry that she is judging you by the clothes you wear, maybe the wallet you pull out, the friends around you, your posture, what you are drinking or eating and your smile. And you’re right; she is making snap judgments, consciously or subconsciously on all these areas. But there are a few other things women notice about men that you might not be aware of. Here are five of them:

Your Shoes

Believe it or not, women check out a man’s shoes. If they are scruffy or falling apart, that may be a turnoff to many women. You don’t have to have designer, expensive shoes (although owning one nice pair for dates can’t hurt), but you do have to have clean, polished and nice shoes, even if they are just a nice brand new pair of black converse sneakers. Save your scruffy, comfortable sneaks for visits to the country or farm, if you must.

Your Odor

Really, this should be a given, but it needs to be stated. Women absolutely, positively notice your smell. Always, always, always, make sure you are freshly bathed. This seems obvious, but not so much, if women consistently complain about it. Carry breath mints or a toothbrush and toothpaste in your desk at work. A funky odor or atrocious bad breath will cancel out every other single thing that is attractive about you. You could be a Brad Pitt look-alike and you won’t get a single girl’s interest if you have Godzilla breath.

Your conversation

Make sure that you are more interested in what the woman has to say than what you are saying. Knock off all your attempts to impress her with your scintillating stories about how cool you are. Shut your mouth and listen to what she has to say. Don’t just act interested, be interested, and you will be well on your way to future conversations.

Your Honesty

Don’t give women a line of baloney. Be yourself. Be as honest as you can. A woman will know that you are being genuine and will like you more for it. Conversely, any dishonesty will most likely be immediately sniffed out and is a major turn off. If she’s going to like you, she’s going to like you even more when she sees you are an honest person with integrity.

Your sense of humor

I’m not talking about some big guffawing laugh about every single thing that comes out of her mouth. That is a huge turn off. I’m talking about having a sense of humor, even being witty and funny in a subtle way. Can you laugh at yourself? Do you have a good sense of humor or do you just laugh inanely at anything even that which is not funny? Develop and hone a good sense of humor. Don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself and the silly things we all do.

The next time you are thinking about an opportunity to meet women, remember these five surprising things that women really do notice and you will be one step ahead of the game.

Author Bio: Bill has been studying how to flirt and How to Approach Women for the last 5 years as a guest instructor at the top Pick Up Artist boot camp in NYC. The original article can be found here: Five Surprising Things Women Notice About Men.

Category: Advice
Keywords: dating advice, relationship tips, pick up artist

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