What Are Sexual Enhancement Aphrodisiacs? Are They Medicines?

People have been using natural aphrodisiacs for sexual enhancement for thousands of years. These natural sexual stimulants were used by ancient Chinese emperors, the Japanese samurais, the Arabian sheiks, the Mayan warriors to the feudal lords of Europe to improve their sex life and help them to perform better in bed.

Do natural sexual aphrodisiac work? If they do, then why do modern man have to invent erectile dysfunction drugs and medicines such as Viagra along with its known side effects?

Sexual Aphrodisiac can be drugs, medicines, herbs, foods, drinks, scents such as pheromone oil or any ways which can enhance and improve human sexual performances. A good aphrodisiac is said to also being able to increase and trigger sexual desires in both men and women.

Natural aphrodisiacs are cheaper to come by as they are things which can usually be found in your home or easily available from merchants such as a herbalist, a neighborhood drug store or even at your grocer and neighborhood restaurants.

Some of the more common traditional natural aphrodisiacs are simple spices such as chili and peppers. These hot spices cause excitement to the body as they can and do increase your heart rate and can cause perspiration, just like when you are having sex.

Try this. If you are anticipating having sex, prepare some really hot spicy dishes for you and your partner and then go to bed and do your thing and see what exhilirating results you will get. If you are more adventurous, consume some oysters as well.

I am sure you already know that the innocent oyster is not so innocent after all. This is because oysters have high levels of zinc content leading to better erections and sexual excitement.

Did we mention Japanese samurais earlier? These ancient warriors know something we don’t and that is wasabi. Wasabi is the green thingy(horseradish)you mix with some soya sauce as a dip for your sushi and sashimi which is available in most Japanese restaurants. If you have not tried it before, I suggest that you take it a little at a time as it can send an overpowering spicy whiff up your nostrils that can make you choke and leave your eyes smarting. It is said to have a strong sexual effect and can make your penis stand to a smart attention when under stimulation.

One of the better known aphrodisiac known to men is perhaps the Spanish fly or cantharides which originated from the medieval southern Europe. The Spanish fly is actually a greenish beetle and when consumed, will raise your heart rate and ignites immense sexual excitement which begins as a slight sensation to the genital and urinary tracts and then causes the blood to flood to the sexual organs of you and your partner.

However, the Spanish fly is banned in most countries as it is known to heighten your sex drive to dangerously uncontrollable levels and is said to have even caused heart attacks in some people.

Yes, even the innocent carviar to compliment your wine is a natural aphrodisiac enjoyed by the Russian Czars. Carviars are fish eggs and they act on your nerve cells by its rich phosphorus content. Adding wine or vodka to the mix will have even a more powerful effect for both sexes.

The Chinese have their own natural sexual aphrodisiac in the form of the ginseng root. The word ginseng literally means “man root” and it is called that for a certain reason, don’t you think so? Furthermore, if you take a look at the root, it even resembles the male sexual organ. This amazing natural aphrodisiac stimulates the nerve centers in the spinal code that control erection in a man and thus is used exclusively by men for sexual purposes although it also has many medicinal effects which can benefit women as well.

There are many more natural aphrodisiac to increase sex drive and boost performances in bed such as the Yohimbe from an African tree or the Tongkat Ali, another root found in the virgin forest of Malaysia and Indonesia used by the indigenous tribesmen but now have been processed and sold as herbal pills to treat men with erectile dysfunction.

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a fitness, health and relationship consultant. Read his free articles at Penis Enlargement Pills and Testosterone Libido Aphrodisiacs

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: sex aphrodisiac, erectile dysfunction, sexual enhancement, spanish fly

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