Jamie McIntyre – Is He the Real Deal? (Truth Revealed)

Is Jamie McIntyre a Scam?

Isn’t it interesting that whenever someone hears of someone else achieving success people naturally want to know more about them and whether they are the real deal or just another scam artist?

Let’s be honest, in this day and age there are too many people who want to rip other people off in order to get ahead financially, after all we live in a material world and some people will indulge in unethical practices to feed their greed.

Is Jamie is the same? Well, initially I was skeptical when I ordered his free 3 hr DVD which covers investment strategies relating to shares and property, and business. It was relieving when I started watching as he was presenting some very interesting investment methods which were fairly easy to understand and I got the impression he was genuinely passionate about helping the audience understand his ideas and educating them.

He was unlike those other slick talking spruikers who I’ve listened who just ooze champion salesmanship and smoothness. Jamie spoke like a normal everyday guy and seemed genuine.

Let’s have a brief look at Jamie’s background. He became a self-made millionaire in his twenties from being broke sleeping on a friend’s couch, $150,000 in debt with job prospects, to living a financially rich and time rich lifestyle most of us would envy. He did this in less than 5 years. He co-founded 21st Century Academy, financial education company in 1998 and has now grown it into the largest financial education company in Australia and is well known globally among the entrepreneurial community.

Jamie believes our schools have let us down because we weren’t taught financial strategies to get ahead in the 21st century.

Jamie is also dedicated to getting real financial education into schools to help students develop a balanced set of skills – skills for getting a good job plus skills for effectively using money and developing long term wealth. Special workshops run for teenagers assist in acquiring these skill sets.

I have found Jamie to be a breath of fresh air amongst all the so called gurus who promise much but deliver nothing of real value. I can testify to the effectiveness of Jamie’s strategies as I have successfully implemented them myself and I am well on the way now to reaching my financial and personal goals.

Knowing things like how to replace your income and create an ongoing cash income from shares, how to create a million dollar property portfolio, and how to make money while you sleep from the internet has allowed me to feel relieved and excited about the success of my future.

Many people feel you need to be an expert, an insanely smart person, or they think there is no way they could implement these kinds of strategies. Jamie has a great ability to take something that on the surface seems complex and put it in a way that the average person can understand and feel confident enough to implement.

Author Bio: If you’re interested in out more information on how to revolutionize your lifestyle for yourself and your family, grab Jamie’s FREE DVD and Ebook at http://www.21stCenturyWealthGuide.com Your new future awaits. http://www.CompleteWealthMastery.com

Category: Finances
Keywords: jamie mcintire, financial education, 21st century academy, 21st century education,

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