Bad Credit Lender Loan Mortgage: Buying a Home With Less-Than-Perfect Credit

Bad credit lender loan mortgage is one option available to people with less-than-perfect credit. Bad credit lenders provide mortgage loans to high-risk borrowers, enabling them to buy a house or refinance their mortgage to avoid foreclosure.

Bad credit lender loan mortgage providers extend credit to borrowers who do not meet criteria established by mortgage lenders and banks. Borrowers must undergo the loan process and provide financial documentation such as federal tax returns, employer paycheck stubs, and bank statements.

Some bad credit lenders extend credit to borrowers who need to refinance mortgages to stop foreclosure. Few lenders refinance mortgage loans when borrowers owe more than the appraised value of the home. Borrowers unable to obtain refinancing for pre-foreclosure homes can contact their lender to request a short sale arrangement.

Short sales are complex and complicated. On average, a short sale takes between four and six months to complete. When lenders agree to short sales, they accept less than the balance due on the mortgage note. It is important to determine the type of short sale your lender uses.

Some lenders will accept the short sale as payment in full. Others persue the borrower for the difference between the purchase price and balance owed. This is known as a Deficiency Judgment and has detrimental effect on your credit. Even when deficiency judgments are paid in full they can remain on credit reports for up to seven years.

Bad credit lenders charge a higher rate of interest than traditional lenders. At present, interest rates are low enough that a reasonable monthly payment can still be achieved. However, it is important to shop around for lenders offering bad credit loans. Interest rates can vary as much as 5-percent between lenders.

It is also important to determine if the bad credit lender imposes prepayment penalties. When entering into bad credit loans, the goal is to establish or rebuild your credit. By making your payments on time or paying additional monies when possible, mortgage notes can be refinanced through a traditional lender within a few years.

If the bad credit lender imposes prepayment penalties, borrowers could be stuck with a high-interest loan for 30 years. While paying an extra $20 or $30 per month may not appear to be a big deal, consider the long-term effect. Thirty dollars per month times thirty years equals an additional $10,800. Wouldn’t you rather have that money in your pocket?

If you aren’t able to obtain a loan through bad credit lenders, consider renting an affordable home while saving money for a down payment. Many people make the mistake of renting expensive homes when they could be renting cheap homes and saving to buy a home of their own. If you want to own a house it is crucial to live within your means. Otherwise, you will always be paying someone else’s mortgage payment instead of your own.

With today’s recessed market and credit crisis, many homeowners are offering seller carry back financing. The seller provides all or part of the financing for two to five years. During this time, the buyer is able to improve their credit and obtain a mortgage loan at the end of the agreement.

Another option is to seek out rent-to-own houses. With this type of arrangement, tenants rent the home from the seller with the option to buy. Tenants generally rent for two to three years while establishing credit.

Rent to own agreements can be executed to suit all parties involved. In most cases, the seller applies a portion of the rent toward the purchase. Occasionally, sellers will apply 100-percent of the rent money if the deal can be completed within 12 to 18 months.

Each of these options presents advantages and disadvantages. Before making a final decision take time to thoroughly research all home financing options.

Author Bio: Simon Volkov is a successful investor who provides information and resources on buying and selling real estate. Simon’s website provides a comprehensive article library and covers topics on how to locate a bad credit lender loan mortgage provider, reducing debt, avoiding foreclosure, personal money management. Visit today to learn more.

Category: Real Estate
Keywords: bad credit lender loan mortgage, bad credit lenders, refinance mortgages, stop foreclosure

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