Quit Smoking! What an Easy Thing to Say, Such a Difficult Thing to Do

People start smoking for various reasons: it’s fun, it’s crazy, it’s relaxing, it’s entertaining and so on. Most of them don’t realize how unhealthy smoking is and how hard it is to quit smoking until it is a bit too late, which is when your organism is dependent to nicotine, a drug contained in any cigarette.

Cigarettes are very harmful through their composition: nicotine – the primary psychoactive chemical contained in cigarettes, it has been shown to be addictive, and that’s why is so hard to quit smoking; benzene, carbon monoxide, and many more besides.

Now let’s see some reasons why you should quit smoking.

When smoking, you inhale smoke containing all of these substances plus thousands of more other. The smoke reaches your lungs and through the capillarity phenomenon, a part of these substances enter the blood circulation, some remain inside your lungs and some you exhale. First of all, the ones that have combined with your blood will circulate to the entire organism and especially your brain where they excite certain regions, normally unexposed to such stimuli. By smoking, day by day, cigarette by cigarette, you only feed your brain with these harmful chemicals and once you are a nicotine addict it’s about literally your brain being an addict, making the process of stopping smoking even worse than it is. Also, these substances in your blood tend to deposit fats on your blood vessels making the blood flow more powerful by reducing the normal diameter naturally designed for a normal circulation. If you don’t quit smoking as soon as possible, this increases the risk of vascular attacks because the blood vessels might pop because of the large amount of blood circulating and its speed. Second of all, the substances which remain in your lungs conglomerate and increase the risk of lung cancer, and this is not a joke. A normal, healthy lung of a non-smoker is yellow-white and it weighs less than a smoker’s lung which is almost gray-black. Because of the poor ventilation of the smoker’s lung all the smoke might concentrate in a cancerous tumor. For smoker’s sake, may it be benign! But unfortunately not all cases have a happy-end, so it’s better to quit smoking as soon as possible. Last but not least important is the smoke you exhale: it is polluting, it is dangerous for the people next to you, especially if you smoke inside and you don’t aerate too often. It’s dangerous even for your animals if you have any. Studies have shown various types of breathing related cancer in most common pets such as dogs or cats determined by smoke and have also highlighted that the frequency of these diseases is higher in animals whose owners are smokers, so you have another reason to quit smoking, your pets.

In order to reduce or quit smoking there have been taken a lot of measures starting with the distribution of the cigarettes which is prohibited to anyone younger than 18 years old or 21 years old in some countries, continuing with the warning signs and photographs imperatively posted on every pack of cigarettes which are meant to shock people and persuade them to quit smoking, with the supplementary fees charged for ecological and population health reasons and finalizing with doctors’ researches in developing some kind of nicotine replacement, less harmful and more helpful for the rehabilitation period, only that more people could quit smoking.

Whichever reason you have in mind for stopping smoking you must be determined to stick to your plan to the end and always hope for a more exercise-filled life, a healthier life accompanied by a better breathing rhythm and a more natural alimentation.

Author Bio: Quit smoking we will make this task easy available at http://www.clearvapors.com

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: Quit smoking,quit smoking electronic cigarette,quit smoking electronic cigarette free

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