How to Use Colorful Writing in Features

Have you tried doing some feature writing? Do you know what kind of writing is that? How does feature writing differ from the other forms of writing? What makes it special?

If it’s your first time in writing feature content, there is no need to worry how you are going to start writing it. Feature writing is so simple yet so unique since the writer must possess a very creative and descriptive mind in order to make this kind of a writing an effective one.

It is very obvious that a feature writing is more on describing and persuading the public about the subject that you are going to discuss. It can be something that requires public interest such as writing about a certain person, a thing, a pet, a place, a situation or anything that catches up your readers’ interest.

Well, the writer must need some basic and special skills to create such an entertaining composition that will influence the public with the taste of good and effective writing.

Basically, feature writing is too different from news writing and other forms of informative writing since feature writing uses descriptive words and more on the creative side of the writer while news writing always based its content to the facts, no more and no less. Although a feature writing also sticks from the facts while it persuades and entertains the public.

Feature writing is widely used in magazines, journals, newspapers or tabloids and in any printed publications. However, it is also used in web content writing where writers used it for blogging online.

Colorful writing must be applied in a feature writing in order to make your content work. But how?

Some types of writing require setting a scene as its most important component. Even nonfiction. While we usually think of features as avenues for information and facts, color writing can end up being the one technique that makes it completely effective.

Imagine a grammar-checked, copyediting software-approved article about a war-ravaged small town. Would reading the military’s statistics affect you more or would describing the resulting carnage do it? When a reader can “see,” “feel” and “touch” the environment you’re writing about, the whole dynamic can change.

Descriptive and colorful writing gives your reader an opportunity to go beyond their intellects, accessing their senses to complete the image you are constructing. Like all techniques, it can be applied to most any subject. Yet, it works best with particular topics and types of articles.

How would you know when to pull this trick out of the hat? Try picturing the story in your head? Is the environment it happens in rich with details? Will putting the reader into the same place enhance their understanding of your story?

If you think your subject is ripe to be used in this manner, the way to accomplish it is by letting your story drip with details. Be alert and notice all the colors, odors and noises that will help reader imagine the place of action.

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Category: Writing
Keywords: color writing, colorful writing, descriptive writing

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