Best Diet to Lose Weight Fast – Is There Really Such a Thing?

I know the question has come up time and time again, what is the best diet to lose weight fast?

Well, God knows there are “too many” of them out there. From the beginning of time we were “force-fed” diets like Atkins, Beverly Hills Diet, and even the “all-mighty” Oprah diet. But do any of them actually work? Maybe for some, but they’ve never done any justice for me!

I’ve always struggled with that post-pregnant “mommy” belly that we dread so much!

This was my biggest problem. I am around 5 foot 4 inches tall, and was carrying a weight of around 148-149 pounds, give or take. My weight was carried primarily in my mid-section, upper thighs, and the buttocks area. Now I am not at all what the majority of people would call “fat” or “obese, not really close. So this made losing the weight that much more difficult, from my perspective anyway.

I was continuously banging my head against the wall, wondering why all these diets didn’t work.

I have 2 kids, and a loving husband that I strive to look good for. I’m not sure about you, but I don’t really enjoy being called the “chubby” mommy by my children and their friends. Yes, children are so impressionable aren’t they? So I believe it’s very important that we set a good example about our health these days.

Yet every time I watch the news, I’m hearing we have reached yet another all time high “obesity” rate!

Now I don’t know about you, but that news sounds kind of scary to me. I mean, is that what we have to look forward to in the coming years? So I decided that I would make myself one more person that actually would try to make a difference in their life. Especially for the sake of all my loved ones around me.

I knew there was no “magic bullet” at this point, but I needed a plan and I needed it fast!

I did everything on the planet that you could name. I Took advice from my girlfriends, searched the Internet, and even tried doing more “cardio” at the gym. And boy, was that not such a great idea, because I later found out that doing “too much” cardio is actually not the way to lose fat at all! ( Contradicting what we’ve been taught by so many so-called “experts” ).

One day I actually found some videos, watched them, and they actually made sense!

The name of the guy speaking in the videos was John Benson, and his program was called the Every Other Day Diet. Right above him, there was a picture of a woman known as his “co-contributor”. Her name was Holly Rigsby, and she also had her own program called Fit Yummy Mummy.

But as I listened closer to John speak, he revealed many secrets about weight loss that I’ve never even heard of. He talked about drinking lots and lots of water ( like we already don’t know that one! ) LOL. But most importantly, he gave one single tip in his videos.

Believe it or not, this actually dates back to the “caveman” days. Kind of cool huh?

Author Bio: But since it would take me a 7 page “thesis” to actually explain everything, I’ll make this short. You can find this tip by visiting my blog here: or you can visit his site directly by clicking here: Lose Weight Now

Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: best fast way to lose weight, how to lose weight and keep it off, how to lose weight fast naturally

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