Paintball Grrlz

Certain activities conjure up certain stereotypes when you hear them. For instance when you say polo you might think of male spectators in khakis wearing deck shoes with a pink sweater tied around their necks, or females in party dresses and big hats sitting under a shade canopy enjoying the ponies. Likewise, if you say paintball you might think of a bunch of good old boys in a muddy pick up truck that’s sporting a gun rack. These guys are dressed in flannel and wearing NASCAR baseball hats. While some paintball enthusiasts might fit that bill, the truth is the fastest growing segment in this extreme sport is women.

The latest figures available show that there are just over 10 million paintball players in U.S. Yes, the predominant demographic is men 18-40, but more and more women are taking up arms and joining the ranks on the battlefield. Even families are getting in on the fun and adventure that paintball brings. That’s right, paintball is going mainstream. In fact, many of the bigger tournaments around the country draw spectators and corporate sponsors. A lucrative industry is popping up to support the increasing amount of accessories players are demanding. And who knows the most about accessorizing? Women. Everything from markers (paintball guns) to masks to other protective gear is showing up in pastels and other female friendly colors.

Many women enjoy the thrill and heart pounding excitement of paintball, and they are starting to make their presence known. With names like Chicks Unlimited, The Valkyries, The Femme Fatales and Adrenaline Crush there is usually an all female team in every major tournament. But don’t put them in a powder puff league. They like competing with the big boys, and are eager to take the field against any competitor.

Some even say that female paintball competitors have advantages over male competitors on the field for both physical and psycho graphical reasons. First, females tend to be smaller making them a smaller target to hit in the open. Being smaller also allows them to hide easier to avoid being hit. Secondly, females tend to be more patient than males. This means a female competitor has no problem out waiting her male opponent until he outs himself. There is also antidotal evidence that female teammates bond quicker and work together as a team better than a team of male lone wolf Rambos.

Regardless of these perceived advantages, one of the great things about paintball is that it is figuratively, if not literally a level playing field. Young, old, male, female – it doesn’t matter. Once that air horn blows it’s your wits, athleticism and adrenaline that keeps you going.

Paintball means different things to different people. Some players revel in the rush and energy from the fast-paced game. For others, it’s about teamwork and strategy. Slow and steady wins the race. With the female element thrown in there is a slightly different dynamic, and more and more male players are realizing you can’t judge a book by its cover. Someone who appears to be meek and mild may just turn out to be the most formidable player you’ve ever come up against.

Author Bio: Layne regularly writes for, they carry such paintball equipment as Paintball Marker and the Tippmann A-5, as well as many other items from a variety of manufacturers.

Category: Recreation
Keywords: Paintball Marker, Tippmann A-5

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