Made in China From Quantitative Expansion to Quality Win

Chinese Customs figures released on the 11th this year in November, China’s trade surplus remained high at 26.3 billion U.S. dollars in, near October’s record high 27.1 billion U.S. dollars. Meanwhile, in January to November this year, China’s foreign trade totaled 1.96909 trillion yuan, exceeding the level of last year.The huge trade surplus with the international division of labor, economic globalization and China’s export capacity to increase and so on. As international competition intensifies, “Made in China” to low end, low price products, explore the international market, expanding the number of patterns must be changed.The recently concluded Central Economic Work Conference, China should accelerate the transformation of foreign trade growth mode, optimize the export commodity structure, insist on quality to win.

From 2002, the Chinese Government proposed “to encourage and support the expansion of exports”, to this year’s “optimal import and export commodity structure, adhere to quality”, China’s foreign trade situation is behind this change and co ordinating the international domestic market.In 2004, China’s foreign trade volume of the first break trillion. According to the Ministry of Commerce predicted in 2007, China’s total foreign trade volume to more than 2.1 trillion U.S. dollars, the cumulative trade surplus will reach 250 billion U.S. dollars. Foreign trade growth pattern, increasing pressure of international trade friction problems highlighted.

According to Commerce Department statistics, from 2002 to 2007 in the first half, China’s exports face trade frictions survey 358, mainly textiles, electrical machinery, chemicals, toys, food and other industries related to the affected exports more than 9 billion U.S. dollars.”China is in urgent need for enterprises through technology, ideas, innovation, and greater use of high quality, high tech products to participate in international competition.” Industry Injury Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce YANG Yi said.

For a long time, China’s export products around the world for its inexpensive but by consumers. “Made in China” shoes, toys, textiles account for the top of the global market.

However, China’s exports remain structural issues: intellectual property rights and freedom brand little more low end products, the lack of core competitiveness; export commodities remain high pollution, high energy consumption products; mechanical and electrical products and high tech products accounted for the proportion of non export higher.According to customs statistics, in January to August this year, China’s accumulated trade surplus of 129.364 billion U.S. dollars, of which light the nation’s total surplus of nearly eight percent. China Light Industry Association, said Chen Shi to Chinese exports by the light of comparative advantage, export oriented edge, and the lack of competitive edge and innovative edge.

To ease the trade surplus has brought the conflict to further optimize the export structure, from July 1 this year, China’s export tax rebates on some commodities to adjust, involving a total 2831 products, accounting for all goods in the Customs Tariff of 37% of the total number of , including 553 “high energy consumption, high pollution and resource based” products and 2268 products can trigger trade frictions.Customs statistics show that policy changes related to the overall growth rate of exports of goods began to decline in September. September national policy change concerning the value of merchandise exports 39.65 billion U.S. dollars, up 21.4%, compared with January to August slowed down 9.1 percentage points.

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