Could a Solar Power Car Be a Reality?

In today’s world, a solar power car is not a reality. The technology and energy harvesting power of current solar cells is not advanced enough to efficiently power a car in a real world setting. The trouble with this technology is not the inability to collect energy, but the inability to collect and store enough energy to move the car.

Weight plays a huge role when it comes to a solar power car. The more weight in the car, the more solar cells needed to power the vehicle. Solar cells take up space, so the car needs to be larger which adds more weight. There is also the weight of the batteries that need to be charged in case it rains or the car is parked under a tree where the solar cells are not in direct contact with sunlight.

These weight considerations are just the beginning. When passengers, a driver, and packages are added to the car, the total number of solar cells needed to collect and convert the right about of sunlight is impossible to fit on the car. This is where the current solar power car technology is standing, but where is it going?

The Future of the Solar Car

In the future, researchers hope to increase the amount of energy each solar cell can produce and reduce the size and weight of batteries needed to collect this energy. In theory, if the battery size or weight could be reduced by half and the total energy collected by one solar cell doubled, the solar car would be available for mass production in just a few years.

Nanosolar technology was just the breakthrough car developers needed to boost the prospect of a solar powered vehicle. Nanosolar refers to a spray on solar cell that can cover the entire surface area of a car. The spray on plastic holds tiny solar cells that collect energy and these cells are not laughing matter. These dots not only collect energy when the sun is shining, they are also infrared sensitive, which means clouds do not stop the harvesting of useable energy.

These dots could be embedded in the paint applied to the car’s surface. No matter where the sun is shining, the cells would be collecting and harvesting energy. Weight would still be a problem as batteries would be needed to collect the excess energy, but the first solar cars are expected to hold only two people as it is. These cars would be perfect for commuting to and from work. The solar cells used in current nanosolar technology are 10,000 times smaller than one strand of hair. Researchers are also looking into using the spray on solar cells in the development of auto and home windows that will double as solar energy collectors.

Innovative Solar Transportation Possibilities

Scientists at Scientific American have proposed some innovate new solutions for using solar energy to power electric vehicles, by constructing a large array of solar panels that would distribute electricity throughout the country, and store it for future use. The required technology is already in existence for such a plan, and all that is needed would be the understanding from citizens and governments that solar energy is a viable and practical renewable energy source that can be used for everyone’s benefit.

Author Bio: M.S. Rochell is the owner of which offers practical and affordable solutions for using solar energy at home. Please visit for more information about the solar power car, solar appliances and other solar energy technologies.

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: solar power car,solar energy cars,solar power cars,build solar power cars

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